
B. Implementation of the Alumni Trustee Election Law

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B. Implementation of the Alumni Trustee Election Law

  1. Preamble. In state law,聽, IV, V, VI and VII provide for four Board members to be elected by the alumni of UNH, one by the alumni of PSU, one by the alumni of KSC, and one by the alumni of GSC, without further specifying the manner in which said elections are to be conducted. In order to provide for the consistent and orderly election of alumni trustees, the Board hereby establishes the following procedures by which all such elections shall be conducted.
  2. Authority. The alumni associations, acting through their governing boards, shall conduct the elections of alumni trustees. The alumni associations are authorized to establish such election procedures as may be expedient or desirable, provided that such procedures do not conflict with either state law or the provisions of this policy.
  3. Eligibility to Serve. An alumni association shall nominate for election only individuals who are current members of said alumni association. No alumni trustee may be elected to more than two successive four-year terms.
  4. Eligibility to Vote. Every member in good standing of the alumni of an institution shall be entitled to cast one vote in the election of the alumni trustee (or trustees) from said institution.
  5. Nominations. The alumni association conducting an election shall create a nominating committee to include non-biased representatives of the alumni community and shall develop an election timeline that provides an opportunity for information about the candidates and the process to be broadly disseminated. The nominating committee shall nominate at least one candidate for election and prepare an appropriate form of ballot that explicitly provides for write-in voting.
  6. Voting. The alumni association shall establish and publish the procedures by which voting will be conducted, including, if deemed desirable by the association, provision for voting by electronic data communication.