
A. Inter-institutional Transfer of Credit

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "BOT.I.A.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

A. Inter-institutional Transfer of Credit

  1. Undergraduate
    1. Credits shall be transferable between institutions of the University System and applicable to any undergraduate degree program provided that:
      1. They were earned within the University System for work assigned a grade of C or its equivalent (a grade of P in a "Pass/No Pass" course). Note: A grade of C- or C-D is not equivalent to a grade of C.
      2. They were earned in any undergraduate degree program except the Associate in Applied Science. Credit so earned may be transferred in full or in part, depending on the specific character of the work and upon the program to which the student transfers. Judgments with respect to the transfer of credit are to be made by faculty in the departments or programs into which the student is transferring.
    2. Faculty of each campus, however, retain the authority to evaluate the transferability of credit within the institution.
    3. Institutions will establish an on-going evaluation of transfer of credit policies and procedures.
  2. Graduate
    1. The faculty of each campus has the responsibility to evaluate the transferability of graduate credit earned within the University System after consultation with the faculty of the campus from which the student is transferring.
  3. General
    1. The faculty on each campus has the responsibility to evaluate the transferability of credit awarded a student by another division within the system if that credit was granted based upon standardized examinations or was transferred to that division from an institution external to the University System.
    2. The faculty on any given campus responsible for a particular degree program shall be responsible for determining the requirements to be completed by the transfer student to be awarded the degree.