Appendix - Table of Contents
Ìý | Issue Date | Revised Date | Ìý |
​A | Ìý | Ìý | ​×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Forms |
·¡â€‹ | Ìý | ​07/01/2011 | ​×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Banner Documentation |
F | 01/01/2002 | 05/20/2014 | Fund Attribute Type Values |
07/01/2011 |
Orgn Attribute Type Values |
H | 07/01/2011 | 05/20/2014 | Acct Attribute Type Values |
The official version of this information will only be maintained in an on-line web format. Any and all printed copies of this material are dated as of the print date. Please make certain to review the material on-line prior to placing reliance on a dated printed version.Ìý
Appendix - 00A ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Forms
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Financial Services Forms
Proc ReferenceÌýÌýÌýÌý | Form Number | Last Update | Description |
Cash Fund Request - Form |
Cash Fund Request - Instructions |
Petty Cash Voucher - Form |
Petty Cash Voucher - Instructions |
Multi-line Petty Cash Voucher - Form |
Multi-line Petty Cash Voucher - Instructions |
Petty Cash Replenishment - Form |
Petty Cash Replenishment - Instructions |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Travel Pre-Approval-Advance Form - Excel |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Personal Reimbursement Form - Excel |
Lost-Document Receipt Form - PDF |
08-010 |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û08-010F | 06/01/2006 | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Transition Allowance Promissory Note |
08-010 | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û08-010F2 | 06/01/2006 | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Transition Allowance Promissory Note (Optional) |
08-011 | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û08-011F | 07/01/2011 | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Request for Honorarium Payment |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û PCard Dispute Form |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û PCard Application Form |
Equipment Location Form |
Externally Furnished Equipment Form |
Fabrication Project Report |
Off Campus Location (OCL) Form |
Appendix - F Fund Related Attributes Values for Fund Related Attributes
Values for fund related Attributes
Active as of 05/20/2014
ACCREXP | Accrued Expenses | EQP | Equipment |
ACCUMDEF | Accumulated Deficits | REF | Research Funds - Faculty Support |
ACDMTECH | Academic Tech Initiative Projects | REG | Research Funds - Graduate Support |
ACEAWARD | ACE Awards | REU | Research Funds - Undergraduate Support |
AGENCYFD | Agency Funds | RSP | Research Funds - Special Program/Project |
ALUMNIPR | Alumni Programs | TGR | Tuition Grants |
AP | Accounts Payable | TOT | Tuition - Other |
AR | Accounts Receivable | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
ATHLETIC | KSU/PSU Athletics | FGIFT3 | |
BAFNDBAL | Borrowings Against Fund/ Bal | 10KEAINC | KEA Income Only |
BANKFUND | Bank Fund | 20KEATTL | KEA Total Return |
BONDDEBT | Bonded Indebtedness | 30KEAADJ | KEA May/June Activity |
BOOKSTOR | Bookstore | FGFUNH | UNH Foundation Operating |
BROWNCTR | Browne Center | UAENMT | Enrollment Management |
CAPCMPGN | Capital Campaigns | UAGADM | Graduate School Administration |
CASHEQUV | Cash and Cash Equivalents | UAHADM | DCE Administration |
CENTCOPY | Central Copying | UAHCEP | Continuing Education Programs |
CEPSINCT | CEPS Departmental Incentives | UAPROV | Academic Affairs Administration |
CNSLTCTR | Consulting Center | UAUGST | Undergraduate Studies |
COLSAAES | COLSA AES Graduate Support | UBANSC | Animal & Nutritional Sciences |
COLSAFAC | Colsa Faculty Startup | UBBCHM | Biochemistry Molecular Biology |
CONFCTR | Conference Center | UBBIOL | Department of Biological Sciences |
CONFEVNT | Conferences & Events | UBDEAN | Dean'S Office - Ls & A |
CONTFNDS | Contingency Funds | UBMCBS | Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical S |
COSTSHAR | Grant Cost Sharing Commitments | UBMICR | Microbiology |
CUNRESBE | Current Unrestricted - Unfunded Benefit | UBNREN | Natural Resources & The Environment |
CUNRESEG | Current Unrestricted - E & G | UBNRES | Natural Resources |
DEPADV | Deposits, Advances & Credits | UBPBIO | Plant Biology |
DINING | Dining | UBRECO | Resource Economics&Development |
EARNEDTM | Earned Time Funds | UBTSAS | T S A S Thompson School |
ECOLINE | ECOLine | UBZOOL | Zoology |
ELLIOTTR | Elliott Trust | UCANTH | Anthropology |
ENDOTHRE | Endowments - Other Funds (Res) | UCARTS | Art and Art History |
ENDOTHUR | Endowments - Other Funds (Unres) | UCCELB | Celebrity Series |
ENDPRRES | Endowments - Prizes (Restricted) | UCCINJ | Carsey Institute |
ENDSCHOL | Endowments - Scholarships (Res) | UCCMN0 | Communications |
ENDWINCM | Endowment Income | UCDEAN | Dean's Office |
ESL | English Second Language | UCEDUC | Education |
EXCHANGE | Exchange Programs | UCENGL | English |
FAMISENT | FAMIS Enterprise Implementation | UCFRL0 | Family Research Lab |
FASBN106 | Auxilliary Enterprise - FASB106 | UCGEOG | Geography |
FINAID | Financial Aid | UCHCTR | Humanities Center |
FRINGBEN | Fringe Benefits | UCHIST | History |
FUNDRAIS | Fundraising Initiatives | UCHUMA | Humanities Program |
GENMISC | Miscellaneous | UCLLAC | Languages, Literature & Culture |
HEF2001 | HEFA 2001 | UCMUSI | Music |
HEF2002 | HEFA 2002 | UCPHIL | Philosophy |
HEF2005A | HEFA 2005A | UCPOLT | Political Science |
HEF2006 | HEFA 2006 | UCPSYC | Psychology |
HEF2007 | HEFA 2007 | UCSOSC | Sociology |
HEF2009A | HEFA 2009A | UCTHDA | Theatre & Dance |
HEF2011 | HEFA 2011 | UCWS00 | Women's Studies Program |
HEF2012 | HEFA 2012 | UDCE00 | Civil Engineering Dept |
HEF2014 | HEFA 2014 | UDCHEM | Chemistry Dept |
HELDBYNH | Held by State | UDCS00 | Computer Science Dept |
HLDBYOTH | Held by Others | UDDEAN | Dean's Office - CEPS |
HLTHSERV | Health Services | UDEE00 | Electrical & Computer Eng Dept |
HLTHWSRV | Health and Wellness Services | UDESCI | Earth Science Dept |
HOUSING0 | Housing | UDKE00 | Chemical Engineering Dept |
HSPTALTY | Hospitality Services: Dining, NEC, Conf. Center | UDMATH | Mathematics Dept |
ICEAWARD | ICE Awards | UDME00 | Mechanical Engineering Dept |
IDCTOFAC | Faculty Support (Including F&A Return) | UDOE00 | CEPS Ocean Engineering |
INSTRUTV | Instructional Tv | UDOM00 | Center for Coastal and Ocean Mappin |
INTEROPL | InterOperability Lab | UDPHYS | Physics Dept |
INVSTFND | Investment Fund | UEACFI | Accounting and Finance Department |
INVSTINV | Investments in Inventory | UEDEAN | PAUL Dean's Office |
INVSTMTS | Investments | UEECON | Economics Department |
IODRESRV | IOD Reserves | UEGRDP | Graduate and Executive Programs |
KSCBIOPS | KSC Biodiesel Operations | UEHMGT | Hospitality Management Department |
KSCITEQU | KSC IT Equipment Replacement | UEMGMT | Management Department |
KSCPERK | KSC Perkins Loan | UEMKTG | Marketing Department |
KSCSAVNG | KSC Savings Incentives | UESBDC | Small Business Development Center |
KSCSPAUL | KSC Huntley N Spaulding Loan | UFCOMM | Communications Disorders |
KSCSTLN | KSC Student Loans | UFDEAN | Dean's Office HHS |
KSCTULN | KSC Tuition Loans | UFFS00 | Family Studies |
KSCUSGRT | KSC US Govt Grants Refundable | UFHMP0 | Health Management & Policy |
LIFEINAN | Life Income Annuity | UFIHPP | NH Inst for Health Policy & Practic |
LOCALOSR | Local Govt Grants/Contracts | UFIOD0 | Institute on Disability |
MAILSERV | Mail Services | UFKINE | Kinesiology Department |
MISIT5YR | MIS/ITPAC Five Year Plan | UFNURS | Nursing Department |
NHDHHS | NH Dept of Health & Human Serv | UFOT00 | Occupational Therapy |
NHDLAH | NH Dept of Libr/Arts/Hist Res | UFRMP0 | Recreation Management & Policy |
NHDOT | NH Dept of Transportation | UFSW00 | Social Work |
NHDOTHER | Other NH State Agencies | UGAADM | Alumni Affairs Administration |
NHDRED | NH Dept of Resources & Ec Dev | UGPRES | UNH President's Office |
NHEXEC | NH Executive Dept | UGRPPE | Presidential Events & Programs |
NHFSHGAM | NH Dept of Fish & Game | UGRREL | University Comm & Marketing |
OTHPRAGN | Other Private Agencies | UJCCTR | Counseling Center |
OTHSOF | Other Source of Funds | UJGREC | Campus Recreation |
PALLOCFD | Unallocated R&A Balances Fund | UJHHSC | Health Services |
PCAPEQUP | Capital Equipment Replacement Fund | UJLSTD | Student and Academic Services |
PPDCHRG | Prepaid Charges | UJMMUB | Memorial Union Building |
PPEACQUI | Property Acquisition | UJPDPT | Police Department |
PPEADAPT | Capital Projects Adaption | UJRESI | Residential Life |
PPECAPEQ | Capital Equipment Replacement | UJSAFO | Student Activities |
PPECONST | New Construction | UJVGRK | Greek Affairs |
PPENOCAP | Noncapital Expenditures | UJVOMS | Multicultural Center |
PPEOTHER | Other | UJVPAS | Parents' Association |
PPERENEW | Capital Projects Renewal | UK1AVP | CIS AVP Central |
PRGFENDW | Private Gifts - Endowment Inc | UK3CTZ | Client Services & Telecom |
PRGFOTHR | Private Gifts - Other | ULDIMD | Dimond Library |
PRGFPRIZ | Private Gifts - Prizes | ULLADM | Library Administration |
PRGFSCHO | Private Gifts - Scholarships | UMDEAN | UNHM Dean's Office |
PRGFUNHF | Private Gifts - UNH Foundation | UNHLAW | UNH School of Law |
PRINTING | Printing | UNTV40 | Administration |
PRIVGIFT | Private Gifts | UQHOSP | Dining |
PROGREVW | Program Reviews | URRADM | VP Research and Public Service |
PROJSMRT | Project Smart | URRCIC | CICEET |
PROPEQUI | Property and Equipment | URREHS | Environmental Health and Safety |
PRWHBEOF | Payroll Withholdings - Ben Off | URRIOL | Interoperability Lab |
PRWHPRDP | Payroll Withholdings - P/R Dept | URRIPM | Office of Intellectual Property Mgt |
PSCFACLN | PSU Faculty Loans | URRLCT | Leitzel Ctr for Math Sci Eng Educ |
PSCPERK | PSU Perkins Loan | URRMAP | Marine Program |
PSCSPAUL | PSU Huntley N Spaulding Loan | URROUT | Outreach Scholarship Administration |
PSCSTLN | PSU Student Loans | URRRCC | Research Computing Center |
PSCUSGRT | PSU US Govt Grants Refundable | URSEAG | Sea Grant Director |
PSUSPROJ | PSU Special Projects | USAADM | Athletics Administration |
QUPLREST | Quasi Pooled Restricted | USACHL | Cheerleading |
QUPLUNRE | Quasi Pooled Unrestricted | USALSK | Life Skills Program |
QUSPREST | Quasi Specific Restricted | USASPM | Sports Medicine |
RECREATN | Recreation | USATUT | Academic Tutoring |
RVLVAP | Revolve - A/P and Accrued Exp | USAWTR | Athletic Weight Room |
RVLVDEP | Revolve - Deposits & Defer Rev | USCSKI | Ski Program |
RVLVPPD | Revolve - Prepaid Expenses | USMBKB | Men's Basketball |
SPORTCMP | Sports Camp | USMCCT | Men's Cross Country Track |
STACTFND | Student Activity Funds | USMFTB | Football |
STATEBON | State Bonds | USMHCY | Men's Hockey |
STDUNION | Student Union | USMSCR | Men's Soccer |
STRGINIT | Strategic Initiatives | USSMEN | Men's Sports |
STUDTSSN | Student SSN Project | USSWMN | Women's Sports |
STUHLTHB | Student Health Benefit Plan | USWBKB | Women's Basketball |
STUUNION | Student Union | USWCCT | Women's Cross Country Track |
TDSCENTR | TDS Center Swing Space Move | USWFHK | Field Hockey |
TECHNCTR | Technology Center | USWGYM | Gymnastics |
TELECOMM | Telecommunications | USWHCY | Women's Hockey |
TRANSIT0 | Wildcat Transit | USWLAX | Women's Lacrosse |
TREASFND | Treasurer Transition Fund | USWSCR | Women's Soccer |
TRPLREST | True Pooled Restricted | USWSWM | Women's Swimming |
TRPLUNRE | True Pooled Unrestricted | USWTEN | Women's Tennis |
UNFNDEMB | Unfunded Employee Benefits | USWVBL | Women's Volleyball |
UNHECDVP | UNH Energy & Campus Development | UTADMN | Energy and Campus Development Admin |
UNHFOUND | Affiliated entities | UTDC01 | Facilities Design/Construction |
UNHITINT | IT Initiatives | UTDC04 | Repair and Renovation |
UNHNEC | New England Center | UTP001 | Plant Operations |
UNHNRSMT | UNH Student Nurses Loan Match | UUFAID | Institutional Financial Aid |
UNHOTHER | UNH Other | UUINST | UNH Institutional |
UNHPERK | UNH Perkins Loan | UXADMS | Administration |
UNHULN | UNH University Loans | UXAGRS | Agricultural Resources |
UNHUSGRT | UNH US Govt Grants Refundable | UXFHYD | 4-H Youth Development |
UNIQ-GSC | Unique GSC | UXFMDV | Family Development |
UNIQ-KSC | Unique KSC | UXFRWL | Forestry And Wildlife Resources |
UNIQ-PSU | Unique PSU | UXWMRS | Water And Marine Resources |
UNIQ-UNH | Unique UNH | UZCC00 | Climate Change Research Center |
UNRESGFT | Unrestricted Gifts/ Bequests | UZCX00 | Complex Systems Research Center |
USBIND | US Business & Industry | UZSP00 | Space Science Center |
USDOA | US Dept of Agriculture | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
USDOED | NH Dept of Education | FGP1TYPE | |
USDOES | NH Dept of Environmental Serv | FINAID | Financial Aid |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹ûCNST | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Consulting Initiatives | SPONSR | Sponsored Programs |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹ûGEN | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û General Funds | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹ûOPER | In Support of ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Operations | FGRPMAJ | |
×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹ûSIS | Strategic Initiatives | CURRENT | Current Funds |
USNOTFP | US Non-Profits | ENDOW | Endowment and Similar Funds |
USUNIV | US Universities & Colleges | LOAN | Loan Funds |
VENDING0 | Vending | PLANT | Plant Funds |
WHEELOCK | Wheelock School | ZAGENCY | Agency Funds |
WHITTCTR | Whittemore Center Arena | ZZZZBANK | Bank Funds |
ZOINTDES | Other Internally Designated | ZZZZHOLD | Hold-Not otherwise classified |
ZOMSCAUX | Other Auxiliary Services | FGRPMIN | |
ZOSTDAUX | Other Student Auxiliary | C1UNREST | Current Funds - Unrestricted |
FBS23L1 | C2RESTRC | Current Funds - Restricted | |
11CURFND | Current Funds | ENDOW | Endowment and Similar Funds |
22LOANFD | Loan Funds | LOAN | Loan Funds |
33ENDCAM | Endowment and Similar, Campuses | PINVEST | Plant Funds - Net Invested in Plant |
45UNHF | Endowment and Similar, UNHF | PUNEXP | Plant Funds - Unexpended |
54PLNTFD | Plant Funds | ZAGENCY | Agency Funds |
66BANK | Bank Fund | ZZZZBANK | Bank Funds |
77AGENCY | Agency Funds | ZZZZHOLD | Hold-Not otherwise classified |
FBS23L2 | FGSOF | ||
A1CURUNR | Current - Unrestricted | 1SPONSR | Sponsor Fund |
A3CURRES | Current Restricted | 2CSTSHR | Cost-Sharing Fund |
C1LNUNRE | Loan Funds - Unrestricted | 3PGMINC | Program Income Fund |
C3LNREST | Loan Funds - Restricted | 4EXTCSH | External Cost-Sharing Fund |
C5LNGOVT | Loan Funds - Government Grants | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
E1ENQUNR | Quasi Endowment - Unrestricted | FPAU | |
E3UNQRES | Quasi Endowment - Restricted | 05_UNHGN | University Maintenance |
E5ENTRUE | Endowments, Primarily Restricted | 10_AES | Agricultural Experiment Station |
E7HBYOTH | Held in Trust by Others | 15_CTRID | Center for Industrial Research Development |
E9LIFINC | Life Income and Annuity Funds | 20_MARIN | Marine Research and Development |
G1INVPLT | Investment in Plant | 25_COCTY | Cooperative Extension Service Counties |
G3UNEXPL | Unexpended Plant Funds | 30_COEXT | Cooperative Extension Service |
J1FUNRES | UNHF - Unrestricted | 35_UNHM | UNH at Manchester |
J3FREST | UNHF - Restricted | 40_NHPTV | New Hampshire Public Television |
J5FQERES | UNHF - Quasi-Endowment - Restricted | 45_UNHF | UNH Foundation |
J7FENRES | UNHF - Endowment, Primarily Restricted | 50_UNHFO | UNH Foundation Offset |
J9FLFINC | UNHF - Life Income and Annuity Funds | 55_KSC | Keene State College |
X1BANK | Bank Fund | 60_PSC | Plymouth State University |
X5AGENCY | Agency Funds | 65_CLL | Granite State College |
FBSC | 67_NHPTV | New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) | |
1A | Academic Affairs | 70_CHANC | Chancellor's Office/System |
1B | College of Life Sciences and Agriculture | 75_BANK | BK |
1C | College of Liberal Arts | FPROJGRP | |
1D | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences | A05SIGNF | Significant Funds |
1E | Peter T Paul College of Business and Economics | A10RCRAN | Recurring Annual |
1F | School of Health and Human Services | B10FINBD | Fund Intentionally Budgeted |
1G | Central Administration | B50BOFDS | Budget-Only-Fund |
1H | UNH School of Law | D20PRJNC | Projects, Noncapital |
1K | Computing and Information Services | E50IDFAC | Internally designated - faculty f&a |
1M | UNH- Manchester | G10ENDOW | Endowment Payout Funds |
1N | New Hampshire Public Television | G20GIFTS | Gift Funds - No Payout |
1Q | Business Affairs | G30GFTEN | Gift Funds With Payout |
1R | Marine- Research & Public Service RCU | J10PJCTN | Projection Funds Only |
1S | Athletics | P10CAPTL | Projects, Capital |
1T | Facilities | V10EVALU | Funds Needing Evaluation |
1X | Cooperative Extension | Z10LOWPR | Minimal Balance - Low Priority |
1Z | Institute for Earth, Oceans, and Space | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
40 | UNH Foundation | FPSCPLNT | |
50 | Keene State College | AD | Adaption |
60 | Plymouth State University | DE | Deferred |
70 | Granite State College | IN | Infrastructure |
80 | New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) | LS | Life Safety |
90 | System/ Chancellor's Office | NE | New Construction |
BK | Bank Fund | RE | Renewal |
FCAMPUS | RO | Routine | |
1 | UNH - Durham, Manchester and UNHF | ST | Standards Change |
5 | Keene State College | UN | Unscheduled |
6 | Plymouth State University | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
7 | Granite State College | FPSUDEPT | |
8 | New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) | A1PAAAFX | Vice President for Academic Affairs |
9 | Chancellor's Office/System | A2PAARTX | Art Dept |
B | Bank Fund | A2PAASCX | CAS-Dean's Office |
FDIVRCM | A2PABIOX | Biological Sciences Dept | |
1A0 | Academic Affairs | A2PACM0X | Communications & Media Studies Dept |
1B0 | College of Life Sciences and Agriculture | A2PACSDX | Computer Science & Technology Dept |
1C0 | College of LIberal Arts | A2PAENGX | English Dept |
1D0 | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences | A2PAENSX | Environmental Science & Policy Dept |
1E0 | Peter T Paul College of Business and Economics | A2PAFRLX | Languages and Linguistics Dept |
1F0 | College of Health and Human Services | A2PAMATX | Mathematics Dept |
1G0 | General Administration | A2PAMUTX | Music, Theatre & Dance Dept. |
1GB | University Advancement | A2PANS0X | Atmospheric Sciences & Chem Dept |
1H0 | UNH School of Law | A2PAPHYX | History & Philosophy Dept |
1JA | Student Affairs - Service | A2PAPS0X | Psychology Dept |
1JB | Student Affairs - Auxiliary | A2PASS0X | Social Science Dept |
1KA | Information Technology | A3PACOBX | CoBA-Dean's Office |
1KB | Computing and Info. Services - Auxiliary | A4PACDFX | Ctr Young Children & Families |
1L0 | Library | A4PACRJX | Criminal Justice Dept |
1M0 | UNH - Manchester | A4PAECSX | Early Childhood Studies Dept |
1N0 | New Hampshire Public Television | A4PAEDUX | Elementary Ed & Childhood Studies Dept |
1Q0 | Business Affairs | A4PAEHHX | CHHS-Dean's Office |
1RA | Research Service Unit | A4PAETXX | Educator Preparation, Office of |
1RB | Research Centers | A4PAHPEX | Health & Human Performance Dept |
1S0 | Athletics | A4PANURX | Nursing Dept |
1T0 | Facilities | A4PASW0X | Social Work Dept |
1U0 | Institutional Accounts | A5PACEDX | Div of Online & Continuing Studies |
1X0 | Cooperative Extension | A6PAELLX | Educ Ldrshp Learning & Curriculum Dept |
1Z0 | Institute Earth, Oceans, Space (Centers) | A7PAGRNX | Sponsored Programs Office |
1ZA | Institute Earth, Oceans, Space (Marine) | A7PALIBX | Library |
1ZB | Institute Earth, Oceans, Space (CCOM) | A7PARR0X | Registrar's Office |
4A0 | UNH Foundation | A7PAUS0X | Undergraduate Studies Office |
5A0 | Academic Affairs | A8PACENX | Center for the Environment |
5C0 | Chief Executive | A8PACRSX | Global Education Center |
5D0 | Financial Aid | F1PFFMPX | Finance and Administration Dept |
5E0 | Advancement | F1PGGNEX | General Institutional |
5F0 | Finance and Planning | F2PFBS01 | Budget & Accounting Services |
5G0 | General Institutional | F2PFBURS | Student Account Services |
5H0 | Arts and Humanities | F2PFCS0X | Acct Collection & Mail Services |
5J0 | Athletics | F2PFPURX | Purchasing, Disbursement & Cntrct Srvs |
5L0 | Library | F3PFITXX | Info Tech Services Dept |
5P0 | Professional and Graduate Studies | F4PBPP0X | Physical Plant Dept |
5R0 | Student Affairs | G1PGGNEX | General Institutional |
5S0 | Sciences | H1PHATXX | Athletics Dept |
5T0 | Physical Plant | P1PPPREX | President's Office |
6A0 | Academic Affairs | P2PFHR0X | Human Resources Office |
6B0 | Physical Plant | R1PCINAX | University Relations Office |
6C0 | University Relations | R2PCPUBX | Public Relations Office |
6D0 | University Advancement | R3PBCARX | Silver Center for the Arts |
6F0 | Financial Management | S1PSDSAX | Vice Pres Enroll Mgt & Stud. Affairs Off. |
6G0 | General Institutional | S2PSADMX | Admissions Office |
6H0 | Intercollegiate Athletics | S3PSCP0X | University Police Dept |
6I0 | College of Graduate Studies | S3PSFA0X | Financial Aid Office |
6P0 | President | S3PSSADX | Assoc Dean Student Affairs/Conduct Office |
6S0 | Student Affairs | S3PSWC01 | S.A.G.E. Center |
6T0 | Student Activites Accounting | S4PSDINX | Dining Services |
700 | Granite State College | S4PSHUBX | Hartman Union Building |
800 | New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) | S4PSPC01 | Counseling & Human Relations Cntr |
900 | Chancellor's Office/System | S4PSRESX | Residential Life |
BNK | Bank Fund | V1PCAD0X | University Advancement Dept |
FGARRA | V2PCADAL | Alumni Relations Office | |
NO | Not ARRA-funded | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
YES | ARRA-funded | FSUBCAMP | |
FGCAT | 1D | UNH - Durham | |
NHDOAXX | NH Dept of Agriculture | 1H | UNH School of Law |
NHDOCRX | NH Dept of Cultural Resources | 1M | UNH - Manchester |
NHDOEDX | NH Dept of Education | 1N | NH Public Television |
NHDOEMX | NH Dept of Employment Security | 4C | UNH Foundation Capital Offset |
NHDOESX | NH Dept of Environmental Services | 4F | UNH Foundation |
NHDOHHS | NH Dept of Health and Human Services | 4L | UNH Foundation - UNH School of Law |
NHDOJXX | NH Dept of Justice | 4O | UNH Foundation Offset |
NHDOLXX | NH Dept of Labor | 5K | Keene State College |
NHDORED | NH Dept of Resources and Economic Development | 5Z | Keene Endowment Association |
NHDOSXX | NH Dept of Safety | 60 | Plymouth State University |
NHDOTXX | NH Dept of Transportation | 6P | Plymouth State University |
NHEXECD | NH Executive Dept | 7C | Granite State College |
NHFSHGA | NH Fish and Game Dept | 8N | New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV) |
NHOTHER | Other NH State Agencies | 8S | NHPB Disaffiliation |
USBINHS | US Business and Industry Historical Summary | 9C | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Executive Allocation |
USDOAXX | US Dept of Agriculture | 9S | ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Central Services Alloc |
USDOCXX | US Dept of Commerce | BK | Bank Fund |
USDODXX | US Dept of Defense | FT2BOTAC | |
USDOEDX | US Dept of Education | A10GENOP | General Operating Budget (E&G) |
USDOENX | US Dept of Energy | C10AUXIL | Auxiliary Funds |
USDOHHS | US Dept of Health and Human Services | Z10OTHER | All Other Funds |
USDOHUD | US Dept of Housing and Urban Development | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
USDOIXX | US Dept of the Interior | FT2EXSUM | |
USDOJXX | US Dept of Justice | A10GENOP | General Operating Budget (E&G) |
USDOLXX | US Dept of Labor | C10AUXIL | Auxiliary Funds |
USDOSTX | US Dept of State | D10INTDS | Internally Designated Funds |
USDOTRN | US Dept of Transportation | E10WFNDS | Other Unrestricted Funds |
USDOTRS | US Dept of Treasury | G10GFNDS | Gift Funds |
USDOVAX | US Dept of Veterans Affairs | K10GRNTS | Grant Funds |
USEPAXX | Environmental Protection Agency | P10PLANT | Plant Funds |
USFEMAX | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Z10OTHER | All Other Funds |
USLOCAL | US Local Government | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
USNARAX | National Archives and Records Administration | FUNASCHD | |
USNASAX | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | A10RESVS | Educational and general |
USNFAHX | National Foundation on the arts and Humanities | C10AUXSV | Auxiliary enterprises |
USNPRHS | US Foundations, Non and Not for Profits Historical | E10IDSTI | Internally designated - STII |
USNSERX | Corporation for National Service | E15IDSTI | Internally designated - STII Unrealized Gains |
USNSFXX | National Science Foundation | E20IDFRP | Internally designated - Fringe Benefits Pool |
USQUGOV | US Quasi-Government | E30IDOFR | Internally designated - Other employee benefits |
USSBAXX | Small Business Administration | E40IDIFB | Internally designated - internal borrowing funding |
USSECXX | Securities and Exchange Commission | E50IDFAC | Internally designated - f&a return to faculty |
USSSAXX | Social Security Administration | E60IDGIF | Internally designated - unrestricted gift & payout |
USSTATE | US State Government | E70IDOTH | Internally designated - all other |
USUNVHS | US Univ. and College Sponsors Historical Summary | G10ULOAN | Unrestricted loan funds |
USXOTHX | Miscellaneous US Sponsor | J20XWSBE | Unexpended plant - UNH new business building funds |
FGGROUP | J30XCAPP | Unexpended plant - $25M capital appropriation | |
1USGOVT | US Government | J40XOTHR | Unexpended plant funds - all other |
2NHGOVT | NH State Government | J50XCSIN | Unexpended plant - excess interest |
3OTHGOV | US Local Govt, Other State GOVT and Quasi-Govt | M05QBSFR | Quasiendowment - ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Medical Cost Containment |
4USBIND | US Business and Industry | M10QLTDM | Quasiendowment - ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û LT Debt Risk Mitigation |
5USNONP | US Foundations and Non or Not for Profits | M15QECOQ | Quasiendowment - ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û ECOLine Investment Fund |
6USUNIV | US Educational Institutions | M18Q2009 | Quasiendowment - ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Series 2009A Bonds |
7FORGNS | Foreign and Multinational Sponsors | M20QSCNT | Funds functioning as endowment - ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Contingency |
8MISCSP | Miscellaneous Sponsor | M30QSTII | Quasiendowment - ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û LT Treasury Investments |
FGIFT1 | M40QOSRP | Funds functioning as endowment - OSRP | |
ADJ | Adjustment Fund | M50QECOL | Quasiendowment - UNH ECOLine Savings Fund |
BKS | Books and Collections | M60QPAUL | Quasiendowment - Isabel Harriet Paul Fund |
CLG | Class Gifts | M65QUNHL | Quasiendowment - UNHL Operations Fund |
CPR | Campus Public Programs | M70QUNHM | Funds functioning as endowment - UNHM |
FGR | Faculty Support | M75QALLW | Funds functioning as endowment - PSU ALLWell |
LOA | Loans | M80QOTHR | Quasiendowment funds - all other |
MPA | Departmental Programs | M90QUH20 | Underwater true endowments-campuses |
PLT | Plant/Maintenance | N10QAFFL | Funds functioning as endowment - affiliates |
PRF | Professorships/Chairs | R10QUH20 | Underwater true endowments-affiliat |
PRZ | Prizes | S10OAFFL | Other unrestricted balances - affiliates |
PSO | Public Service/ Outreach | W10GAS45 | Unfunded postretirement medical benefits |
RES | Research | Y10WFNDS | Other Undesignated funds |
SCH | Scholarship - No MOU | Y20ZFNDS | Agency Funds |
SCHF | Scholarship - Fellowship | Z10RESTR | NA-Restricted Fund |
SCHM | Scholarship - Merit Based | Z20NIPLT | NA-Net Invested in Plant Fund |
SCHN | Scholarship - Need Based | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
SCHO | Scholarship - Other | FUND TYPE CODES | |
SPLT | Split Purpose | A | Auxiliary Enterprise Funds |
URS | University-wide Unrestricted | BK | Bank Fund |
ZTBD | Purpose To Be Determined | D | Internally Designated Funds |
ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable | G | Current Gifts & Endowment Income |
Ìý | Ìý | HEFA | HEFA/KEEP Funds |
Ìý | Ìý | L | Loan Funds |
Ìý | Ìý | LU | Loan Funds - Unrestricted |
Ìý | Ìý | M | Life Income & Annuity Funds |
Ìý | Ìý | N | Investment in Plant Funds |
Ìý | Ìý | P1 | Sponsored Reseach & Programs |
Ìý | Ìý | P2 | Sponsored Programs-Appropriation |
Ìý | Ìý | Q1 | Quasi-Endowment Fund - Unrestricted |
Ìý | Ìý | Q2 | Quasi-Endowment Fund - Restricted |
Ìý | Ìý | T1 | True Endowment Funds - Unrestricted |
Ìý | Ìý | T2 | True Endowment Funds - Restricted |
Ìý | Ìý | U | Undesignated - PAUs |
Ìý | Ìý | W | Undesignated-Other |
Ìý | Ìý | X | Unexpended Plant Funds |
Ìý | Ìý | Z | Agency Funds |
Appendix - G ORGN Attribute Type Values
Values of Orgn Related Attributes
The official version of this information will only be maintained in an on-line web format. Any and all printed copies of this material are dated as of the print date. Please make certain to review the material on-line prior to placing reliance on a dated printed version.Ìý
Appendix - H Account Code Attribute Type Values
Values of Acct related attributes - Active and not terminated as of 5/20/2014
A02TKTS | Ticket Sales | A05EGSUP | E&G Support |
A04SFEES | Student Fees | A10CONF | Conference Revenue |
A06GUAR | Guarantees | A15RENT | Rent Revenue |
A08CONTR | Contributions | A20TRANS | Transient/Retail |
A08THIRD | Comp & Benefits Provided by a 3rd Party | A25BANQ | Banquet & Catering |
A10GOVT | Direct State or Other Govt Support | A30PHONE | Telephone Revenue |
A12INST | Direct Institutional Support | A35COMM | Commission Revenue |
A14INDIR | Indirect Facil & Admin Support | A40BEV | Beverage Revenue |
A16NCAA | NCAA/Conference Dist Incl Tournament Revenues | A45OTHER | Other Revenue |
A18BROAD | Broadcast, Television, Radio & Internet Rights | A50INTRV | UNH Departmental Revenue |
A20PROG | Program Sales, Concess., Novelty Sales & Parking | C10BEV | Beverage Cost |
A22ROYAL | Royalties, Advertisements & Sponsorships | C5FOOD | Food Cost |
A24CAMP | Sports Camp Revenues | P05FXSAL | Fixed Salaries & Wages |
A26ENDOW | Endowment & Investment Income | P10VRSAL | Variable Salaries & Wages |
A28OTHER | Other Revenue | P15FRNGE | Fringe Benefits |
A30TRIN | Transfers In | X05CTRL | Controllable Costs |
E02AID | Athletics Student Aid | X10BSC | BSC Allocation |
E04GUAR | Guarantees | X15OTHER | Other Expenses |
E10SALFR | Salaries, Wages & Fringe | Z1TROUT | Transfers Out - Prior to 2002 |
E14SEVER | Severence Payments | Z2TRIN | Transfers In - Prior to 2002 |
E16RECR | Recruiting | ZITRIN | Transfers In - 2002 and beyond |
E18TRAV | Team Travel | ZOTROUT | Transfers Out - 2002 and beyond |
E20EQUIP | Equipment, Uniforms & Supplies | ANHPBACT | |
E22GAME | Game Expenses | A10MEMBR | Memberships revenue |
E24FUND | Fund Raising, Marketing & Promotion | A20UNDER | Corporate underwriting |
E26CAMP | Sports Camp Expenses | A30MJRGV | Major giving |
E28DIR | Direct Facilities, Maintenance & Rental | A40AUCTN | Auction revenue |
E30SPIRT | Spirit Groups | B10NHGAP | State general appropriations |
E32INDIR | Indirect Facilities & Administrative Support | B20CPBGR | CPB operating grants |
E34MEDIC | Medical Expenses & Medical Insurance | C10TOWER | Tower rental income |
E36DUES | Membership & Dues | D10GFGRT | Noncapital gifts and grants |
E38OTHER | Other Operating Expenses | E10OTHER | Other income |
E40TROUT | Transfers Out | F10FULLB | Benefits-eligible salaries |
AAZFUNDS | G10NONBN | Other salaries | |
A05STFEE | Student Fees | H10FRING | Fringe benefits |
A10CONF | Conference Revenue | J10PBSFE | PBS assessments and fees |
A15OTHER | Other Revenue | K10PLPRE | Pledge premium expense |
A20PFINE | Parking Fines | L10PROAQ | Program acquisition exp (non-PBS) |
A25PPERM | Parking Permits | M10CENTR | Central service allocations |
A50INTRV | UNH Departmental Revenue | N10UTILY | Utilities and facilites assessments |
E05SW | Salary & Wages | P10DEPBL | Depreciation-buildings/improvements |
E10FRNGE | Fringe Benefits | Q10OTHER | Other expenses |
E15SUPTR | Supply and Travel | Q50NONOP | Other Nonoperating (Revenue)Expense |
E20EQUIP | Equipment and Repairs | R10TRANS | Intrasystem transfers |
E25RESAL | Goods for Resale | S10NHCAP | State capital appropriations |
E30FACIL | Facilities Assessment | T10DEPEQ | Depreciation-equipment |
E35DEBT | Debt Service | U10ENDRT | Endowment return net of amount used |
E40GENAS | General Assessment | X10PLTGL | Other plant changes |
E41UFUND | University Fund - Hold Harmless | Y10OTHCH | Other changes in net assets |
E42INTAL | Internal Allocations | Z10ADRSV | Addition to-use of reserves |
E43TRANS | Int Alloc - Transportation | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
E45OTHER | Other Expenses | ARCMPL | |
T05REPL | Replacements & Renovations | 1FFACINS | Faculty Instruction - Full Time Temp |
T10IN | Other Transfers In (2002 and Beyond) | 1FFRNGE | Fringe Benefits - Full |
T15IN | Other Tranfers In (Prior to 2002) | 1FSTFFT | Staff - Full Time Temporary |
ACHGREST | 3PFACINS | Faculty Instruction - Part Time | |
R05GTGRC | Gift, Grants & Other Receipts | 3PFRNGE | Fringe Benefits - Part Time/Full Time Temp |
R10CSTRN | Cost Share Transfers | 3PSTFPT | Staff - Part Time |
R15TRANS | Other Transfers | 3PSUMINS | Summer Instruction - Part Time |
R20SALWG | Salaries & Wages | 5BFACAYI | AY Faculty - Addl Pay - AY Instruction |
R25FRING | Fringe Benefits | 5BFACAYN | AY Faculty - Addl Pay - Non Instruction |
R30SUPEX | Supplies & Other Expenses | 5BFACCAS | Faculty Non Instruction - Casual |
R35EQUIP | Equipment | 5BFRNGE | Fringe Benefits - Base Rate |
R40INDCR | Indirect Cost Recovered | 5BSTFAP | Staff - Addl Pay |
ACRFBAL | 5BSTFOT | Staff - Other - Base Rate | |
BGIFTS | Gifts, Grants, and Other Receipts | 5BSUMGRD | Graduate Summer Stipend |
DCOSTSH | Cost Sharing Transfers In (Out) | 5BSUMINS | Summer Instruction - AY Fac Addl Pay/Grad |
FOTHTRAN | Other Transfers In (Out) | 6POSTDOC | Post Docs |
HSALARY | Salaries, Wages & Fringe Benefits | 7NSTFOT | Staff - Other - No Benefits |
JSUPPLY | Supplies & Expenses | A02_UTU | Undergraduate Tuition |
MEQUIP | Equipment & Library Books | A04_GTU | Graduate Tuition |
PIDCREC | Indirect Costs Recovered | A06_STU | Summer Session Tuition |
ACTVSDET | A08_NCT | Non Credit Tuition | |
A05UGRES | Undergraduate tuition - resident | A10_CFE | Course Fees |
A15UGNRS | Undergraduate tuition - non resident | A12_DFE | Differential Tuition |
A20UGNER | Undergraduate tuition - NE regional | A16_OFE | Other Fees |
A25UGALC | Undergraduate tuition allocation | A18_MFE | Mandatory Fees |
A90UGAID | Undergraduate financial aid | A20_TFE | Technology Fees |
A99RCMUG | Undergraduate net tuition - alloc to central admin | A22_SFE | Student Fees |
B05GRRES | Graduate tuition - resident | A24_ICR | Indirect Cost Recovery |
B15GRNRS | Graduate tuition - non resident | A26_PAU | PAU Allocation |
B20GRNER | Graduate tuition - NE Regional | A28_STA | State Appropriations |
B25GRALC | Intercollege graduate tuition alloc | A29_RES | State Appropriation Rescission |
B90GRAID | Graduate financial aid | A30_UFU | State Appropriations - Subvention |
B99RCMGR | Graduate net tuition - alloc to central admin | A32_CBC | State Appropriations - CBC Allocation |
C05CEUDG | Continuing ed tuition - undergraduate | A34_RPO | PO Carryforwards |
C15CEGRD | Continuing ed tuition - graduate | A36_RBU | Budgeted Use of Reserves |
C25CESUM | Continuing ed tuition - summer | A38_SAS | Department Sales and Services |
C35CEWTR | Continuing ed tuition - January/Winterim | A40_GCO | Grants and Contracts |
C45CENCR | Continuing ed tuition - non credit | A42_STC | State Appropriations - Capital Projects |
C50CEOTH | Continuing ed tuition - other | A44_CSH | Cost Sharing |
C90CEAID | Continuing ed financial aid | A46_GFT | Gifts |
C99RCMCE | Continuing ed net tuition - alloc to central admin | A48_END | Endowment Income |
D05STFEE | Student fee revenue | A50_INV | Investment Income |
D99RCMFE | Student fee revenue - alloc to central admin | A52_INT | Interest Income |
E90OTAID | Other financial aid | A54_OTH | Other Revenue |
F12STPAU | PAU allocation | ATA_MTR | Mandatory Transfers In |
F14STATE | State appropriations | ATB_NMP | Non Mandatory Transfers In - CPS |
F16STRES | State appropriation rescission | ATC_NMM | Non Mandatory Transfers In - Other UNHM |
F18STSUB | State appropriations - subvention | ATD_NMH | Non Mandatory Transfers In - Honors |
F20STCBC | State appropriations - CBC allocation | ATE_NMA | Non Mandatory Transfers In - CBC 1 Time |
G25GRCON | Grants & contracts - direct | ATF_NMT | Non Mandatory Transfers In - Tech Fees |
G27GRCFA | Grants & contracts - F&A recovery | ATG_NMU | Non Mandatory Transfers In - Ufund Hold Harmless |
G29FPELL | Federal Pell grants | ATH_NMC | State Appropriations - CBC Allocation |
G30STIIN | Operating investment income | ATI_NMR | Non-Mandatory Transfers In - R&R |
G40GIFTS | Gifts revenue | ATK_NMO | Non-Mandatory Transfers In - Other |
G50EPYOT | Endowment income used in operations | BTA_MTR | Mandatory Transfers In |
G60AXREV | Sales of auxiliary services | BTB_NMP | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-CPS |
G69RCMRB | Sales of aux services - alloc to central admin | BTC_NMM | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-Other UNHM |
G70OTHRV | Other operating revenue | BTC_NMN | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-Other UNHM |
G79RCMRV | Other operating revenue - alloc to central admin | BTD_NMH | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-Honors |
H10NHCAP | State capital appropriations | BTE_NMA | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-CBC 1 time |
H20PLTGL | Other plant changes | BTF_NMT | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-Tech Fees |
H30ENDRT | Endowment return net of amount used | BTG_NMU | University Fund Subvention Aux Alloc |
J05FAAUP | Faculty/Librarian - AAUP | BTH_NMC | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-Ufund CBC Permanent |
J07KSCEA | Faculty/Librarian - KSCEA | BTI_NMR | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-R&R |
J10NONUN | Faculty/Librarian - non union | BTJ_CS1 | Non-Mandatory Transfers In - CS Salary |
J15PATST | Professional, admin & technical staff | BTJ_CS3 | Non-Mandatory Transfers In - CS Fringe |
J20OPSTF | Operating staff | BTJ_CS5 | Non-Mandatory Transfers In - CS Other |
J25ACADA | Academic administrators | BTK_NMO | Non-Mandatory Transfers In-Other |
J30EXTED | Extension educators | E02_UFA | Undergraduate Financial Aid |
J35OTHER | Other salary - budget only | E04_GFA | Graduate Financial Aid |
M03FACSM | Summer instr - fac addtl pay/grad | E06_OFA | Other Financial Aid |
M04ADJSM | Summer instr - fac adjunct | E08_INA | Internal Allocations |
M05FACAD | Faculty addtl pay - other | E10_FAA | Full Benefits Faculty - AAUP |
M10FACPT | Faculty part time/casual/FT temp | E12_FNA | Full Benefits Faculty - Non AAUP |
M14FACKA | KSCAA adjunct in unit | E14_PAT | Full Benefits - PAT |
M15FACKS | KSC adjunct non unit | E16_OST | Full Benefits - OS |
M16FACPA | Teaching Lecturer PSUSEA | E18_AAD | Full Benefits - Academic Administrator |
M20STFAD | Staff additional pay | E20_EED | Full Benefits - Extension Educator |
M25STFPT | Staff part time/casual/FT temp | E22_VPL | Variance Pool - Budget Only |
M30GRADS | Grad summer stipend | E24_CSP | Cost Sharing - Salaries and Wages |
M35PSTDC | Post Docs | E26_CIP | Continuing Increases - Budget Only |
N05FACLY | Faculty - no benefits | E28_FOT | Full Benefits - Other |
N10STAFF | Staff - no benefits | E30_FSS | FICA Only Faculty - Summer Instructional |
N15GRADS | Grads - no benefits | E32_FAY | FICA Only Faculty - AY Instructional |
N20STDNT | Students - no benefits | E34_FAD | FICA Only Faculty - Other Additional Pay |
P10FFULL | Fringe benefits - full | E36_SAP | FICA Only - Staff Additional Pay |
P20FPART | Fringe benefits - partial/base rate | E38_GSS | FICA Only - Graduate Summer Stipend |
P30OTHER | Fringe benefits - other | E40_STL | FICA Only - Other Salaries/Wages |
P40F×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û | Fringe benefits - System pool | E42_GST | No Benefits - Graduate Stipends |
P50NHPTV | Fringe benefits - NHPTV pool | E44_NFR | No Benefits - Other Salaries/Wages |
Q10GDSRV | Goods & services | E46_FFR | Fringe Benefits - Full |
Q15INTAL | Internal allocations | E48_PFR | Fringe Benefits - FICA Only |
Q17STRIN | System strategic initiatives allocations | E50_SUP | Goods & Services |
Q20TRAVL | Travel | E52_CSH | Cost Sharing |
Q30EQUIP | Equipment and plant activity | E54_EQU | Equipment |
Q40LIBRY | Library materials | E56_CAP | Capital Expenditures |
Q50BUDCN | Budgeted contingency | E58_DEP | Depreciation |
R05CENTL | RCM central admin funding | E60_EQL | Library Acquisitions |
R10FACIL | RCM facilities assessment | E62_UTL | Utilities |
R20GENRL | RCM general assessment | E64_TRA | Travel |
R40RECOV | RCM facilities assessment recovery | E66_BCO | Budgeted Contingency |
R50UFUND | RCM university fund subvention allocation | E68_SYS | System Support Allocations |
R55ECOLN | ECOLine assessment | E70_RCF | Facilities Services Allocation |
R60OTHER | Internal admin/PPOM/public safety | E72_RCG | General Assessment |
S10CENSV | Central services allocations | E74_RCA | Academic Affairs Assessment |
T10UTILY | Utilities | E76_RCO | RCM Assessment Recovery |
U10PRATR | Transfers for plant renovation & adaption | E76_UTL | Utilities |
U20DEBTR | Transfers for debt service | ETA_MTR | Mandatory Transfers Out |
V30TRGEN | Other transfers, net - general funds | ETB_NMP | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - CPS |
V35TRAUX | Other transfers, net - aux funds | ETC_NMM | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - Other UNHM |
V40TRINT | Other transfers, net - int des funds | ETD_NMH | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - Honors |
V42TRFAC | Other transfers, net - faculty start up | ETE_NMA | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - CBC 1 Time |
V43TRNPI | Other transfers, net - PI F&A share | ETF_NMT | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - Tech Fees |
V45TRCSR | Other transfers, net - cost share | ETG_NMU | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - Ufund Hold Harmless |
V50TRCPR | Other transfers, net - capital projects | ETH_NMC | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - UFund CBC Permanent |
V55TRCPE | Other transfers, net - cap equipment | ETI_NMR | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out - R&R |
V60TRIFP | Other transfers, net - repay IFB prin | ETK_NMO | Non Mandatory Transfers Out - Other |
V65TRIFI | Other transfers, net - repay IFB int | FTA_MTR | Mandatory Transfers Out |
V80STRIN | Other transfers, net - strategic initiatives | FTB_NMP | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-CPS |
V90TROTH | Other transfers, net - all other | FTC_NMM | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-Other UNHM |
V99RCMTR | Other transfers, net - central admin funding | FTD_NMH | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-Honors |
W10DEPRE | Depreciation of plant and equipment | FTE_NMA | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-CBC 1 time |
W20INTRT | Interest expense, net | FTF_NMT | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-Tech Fees |
X10GAS45 | Postretirement medical actuarial expense | FTG_NMU | University Fund Subvention Aux Alloc |
Y10OTHCH | Other changes in net assets | FTH_NMC | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-Ufund CBC Permanent |
Z10ADRSV | Addition to (use of) reserves | FTI_NMR | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-R&R |
ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable | FTJ_CS1 | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out - CS Salary |
A10RESTU | Resident tuition | FTJ_CS3 | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out - CS Fringe |
A20NREST | Nonresident tuition | FTJ_CS5 | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out - CS Other |
A30TUREA | Tuition reallocation | FTK_NCO | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-Cost Share |
C10CONTG | Continuing education tuition | FTK_NMO | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out-Other |
C20STFEE | Student fees revenue | ARCMPL2 | |
E10FNAID | Financial aid | ATUITION | Tuition |
G10NHGAP | State general appropriations | BFINAID | Financial Aid |
G20GRCON | Grants and contracts revenue | CFEES | Fees |
G25FPELL | Federal Pell grants | DIDC | F&A Recovery |
G30STIIN | Operating investment income | ESTATAPP | State Appropriations |
G40GIFTS | Gifts revenue | FUFUND | University Fund |
G50EPYOT | Endowment income used in operations | GRESERVE | Use of Reserves |
G60AXREV | Sales of auxiliary services | HMANTRAN | Mandatory Transfers In |
G70OTHRV | Other operating revenue | INMTTRAN | Non-Mandatory Transfers In |
H10NHCAP | State capital appropriations | JOTHREV | Other Revenue |
H20PLTGL | Plant gifts, grants and other changes | KSALFULL | Salaries & Wages - Full Benefits |
H30ENDRT | Endowment return net of amount used | LFACSUM | Faculty - Summer Session |
J10SALWG | Salaries and wages | LFACZOTH | Faculty - Academic Year/Other |
J20FRNGE | Employee benefits | LGRAD | Graduate Students Summer |
L10SUPLY | Supplies and services | LSALFICA | Salaries & Wages - FICA Only |
L20PLANT | Plant operations allocations | LSTAFF | Staff - Other |
L30CENSV | Central services allocations | MSALNOFR | Salaries & Wages - No Fringe |
L40UTILY | Utilities | NFRINGE | Fringe Benefits |
N10PRATR | Transfers for plant renov & adaption | OOTHEXP | Other Expenditures |
N20DEBTR | Transfers for debt service | PNMTTRAN | Non-Mandatory Transfers Out |
N30TROTH | Other transfers, net | QASSESS | Assessments |
P10DEPRE | Depreciation of plant and equipment | ATRTBEN | |
P20INTRT | Interest expense, net | A05RESTU | Resident Tuition |
R10GAS45 | Postretirement medical actuarial | A10NREST | Non-Resident Tuition |
U10OTHER | Other chgs impacting op margin, net | A15TUREA | Tuition Reallocation |
W10OTHCH | Other changes in net assets | A20FNAID | Financial Aid |
Z10ADRSV | Addition to-use of reserves | C25CONTG | Continuing Education |
ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable | C30STFEE | Student Fees |
ADINDET | E35NHPAU | State Appropriations | |
A05STFEE | Student Fees | E40STIIN | Short-term Investment Income |
A10CONF | Conference Revenue | E45IDCRV | IDC |
A15RENT | Rent Revenue | E50OTHER | Other Sources |
A20TRANS | Transient/Retail | G55RSUSE | Use of Reserves |
A25BANQ | Banquets & Catering | G60TRFIN | Transfers In |
A30CAT | Cat's Cache | H2NOBENE | No Benefits |
A35OTHER | Other Revenue | H4PARTBE | Partial Benefits |
M05PROF | Professional Staff-Mgmt | H6FULLBE | Full Benefits |
M10ASSOC | Associates - OS/SS | H7SPCBEN | Rate Specified Benefits |
M15VAC | Vacancy/Salary Increase | H8OTHER | Undistributed Salary (Budget Only) |
M20FRNGE | Prof/Assoc Fringe Benefits | H9OTHER | Undistributed Salary Cont Increases (Budget Only) |
M25BEN | Hourly/Student Benefits | J10FRING | Fringe Benefits |
M30HOUR | Hourly Labor | J15UNFRG | Unfunded Fringe |
M35STUD | Student Labor | M05SUPLY | Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses |
M40CWS | College Workstudy | M10LIBRY | Library Books and Periodicals |
M45OTHER | Other Fringe | M15EQUIP | Equipment |
P05TRAV | Travel | M20UTILY | Utilities (Electricity, Oil, etc) |
P10OPSUP | General Operating Supplies | O00SYSTM | System Support |
P10SUPP | General Operating Supplies | T05PLANT | Plant operations & Admin Recovery |
P15PRINT | Printing & Copying | T15RNR | Repairs and Renovations |
P20MAINT | Maintenance & Repairs | T20CENTR | Central Services Support |
P25LINEN | Linen Rental | T25OTHTR | Other |
P30RENT | Equipment Rental | ATRTJOB | |
P35PROF | Professional Services | A05RESTU | Resident Tuition |
P40LICEN | Licensing Fees | A05RESUG | Resident Undergrad Tuition |
P45COMM | Commission Fees | A05RSGRD | Resident Graduate Tuition |
P50TELE | Telecommunications | A10NREST | Non-Resident Tuition |
P55MAIL | Mail Services | A10NREUG | Non-Resident Undergrad Tuition |
P60MEMB | Memberships | A10NRGRD | Non-Resident Graduate Tuition |
P65MEAL | Business Meals | A15TUREA | Tuition Reallocation |
P70ADV | Advertising | A20FNAID | Financial Aid |
P75EQUIP | Equipment | C25CONTG | Continuing Education |
P80OTHER | Other Support | C30STFEE | Student Fees |
R05FOOD | Food & Beverage | E35NHPAU | State Appropriations |
R10WARES | Small Wares | E40STIIN | Short-term Investment Income |
R15OTHER | Other Resale | E45IDCRV | IDC |
Z05BSC | BSC Allocation | E50OTHER | Other Sources |
Z10OUT | Other Transfers Out | G55RSUSE | Use of Reserves |
Z15OUT | Other Transfers Out (prior to 2002) | G60TRFIN | Transfers In |
Z20IN | Other Transfers In | H05FACUL | Faculty |
Z25IN | Other Transfers In (Prior to 2002) | H10LIBRA | Librarian |
ADINSUM | H15GRADS | Graduate | |
A05STFEE | Student Fees | H20ACADA | Academic Admin |
A10CONF | Conference Revenue | H25PRINC | Principal Admin |
A15RENT | Rent Revenue | H30PAT | PAT |
A20TRANS | Transient/Retail | H35EXTEN | Extension Educators |
A25BANQ | Banquets & Catering | H40OPSTF | Operating Staff |
A30CAT | Cat's Cache | H45STULB | Student |
A35OTHER | Other Revenue | H50CASUL | Casual |
M05PROF | Professional Staff-Mgmt | H55RETIR | Retirees/SIP's/Trans |
M10ASSOC | Associates - OS/SS | H60OTHER | Undistributed Salary Cont Increase(Budget Only) |
M15VAC | Vacancy/Salary Increase | H80OTHER | Undistributed Salary (Budget Only) |
M20FRNGE | Professional/Associate Fringe Benefits | H90OTHER | Undistributed Salary Cont Increase(Budget Only) |
M25HOURA | Hourly/Student Associates | J10FRING | Fringe Benefits |
M30HOURB | Hourly/Student Benefits | J15UNFRG | Unfunded Fringe |
M35OTHER | Other Fringe | M05SUPLY | Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses |
P05TRAV | Travel | M10LIBRY | Library Books and Periodicals |
P10SUPP | Supplies/Support | M15EQUIP | Equipment |
P15MAINT | Maintenance & Repairs | M20UTILY | Utilities (Electricity, Oil, etc) |
P20EQUIP | Equipment | O00SYSTM | System Support |
P25OTHER | Other Support | T05PLANT | Plant Operations & Admin Recovery |
R05FOOD | Food & Beverage | T15RNR | Repairs and Renovations |
R10WARES | Small Wares | T20CENTR | Central Services Support |
R15OTHER | Other Resale | T25OTHTR | Other |
X05FACIL | Facilities Assessment | ATUITION | Net Degree Tuition |
X07RENT | Rent | CSTUFEES | Continuing Education and Student Fees |
X10GENE | General Assessment | EOTHREV | Revenue From Sources Other Than Tuition and Fees |
X11GEN82 | General Assessment Offset (Prior to 2002) | GTRANSIN | Transfers In |
X11GEN8I | General Assessment Offset | JPERSONL | Personnel, Wages and Fringe Benefits |
X15BSC | BSC Allocation | MSUPPEXP | Supplies & Expenses |
X20DEBT | Debt Service | TTRANSOT | Transfers Out and Other Expenditures |
X25REPR | Repair & Renovations | ATRUSTEE | |
X30OTHER | Other Overhead Out | A05RESTU | Resident Tuition |
X35IN8I | Other Overhead In | A10NREST | Nonresident Tuition |
X40IN82 | Other Overhead In (Prior to 2002) | A15TUREA | Tuition Reallocation |
AFNETAST | A20FNAID | Financial Aid | |
AC05FCSH | Cash and cash equivalents | C25CONTG | Continuing Education |
AC10FARC | Accounts Receivable | C30STFEE | Student Fees |
AC15FPLG | Pledges Receivable - current | E35NHAPP | State Appropriations |
AC20OTHR | Other current assets | E40STIIN | Short-Term Investment Income |
AN05FBOK | Noncurrent Asset - Endowment Book Value | E45IDCRV | Indirect Cost Recovery |
AN10FREL | Noncurrent Asset - Endowment Realized Gains | E50OTHER | Other Sources |
AN15FAPR | Noncurrent Asset - Endowment Appr | G55RSUSE | Use of Reserves |
AN20FMKT | Endowment and similar investments | G60TRFIN | Transfers in |
AN25FOIN | Other investments | J05WAGES | Salaries and Wages |
AN27FPRC | Pledges Receivable | J10FRING | Fringe Benefits |
AN30FOTH | Other assets | J15UNFRG | Unfunded Fringe |
FBALUNHF | UNHF Net Assets (fund balance) | M05SUPLY | Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses |
LC05FACP | Accounts payable and accrued expen | M10LIBRY | Library Books and Periodicals |
LC10FAEX | Current Liab - UNHF Accrued Expenses | M15EQUIP | Equipment |
LC15FOTH | Obligations under life income - current | M20UTILY | Utilities (Electricity, Oil, etc.) |
LN05FLTD | Obligations under life income agreements | O00SYSTM | System & Central Services Support |
LN10FOTH | Accrued employee benefits | T05PLANT | Plant Operations & Admin Recovery |
NA10BOOK | Historical gift value of endowment | T10SYSTM | System Support |
NA15GAIN | Accumulated net gain on endow | T15RNR | Repairs and Renovations |
NA20QUAS | Market value of funds functioning | T20CENTR | Central Services Support |
NA25LFIN | Life income and annuity funds | T25OTHTR | Other Nonmandatory Transfers Out |
NA30REST | Gifts, grants and contracts | AUNADEBT | |
NA35LOAN | Loan funds | BUDGET | Include/UNA to Debt ratio-budg prep liab addition |
NA40GNAF | Accumulated net gains on endow | BUDOFF | Include/UNA to Debt ratio-budg prep liab reduction |
NA45OTAF | Other | INCLUDE | Included in UNA to Debt ratio calculation |
NA50UNRE | Unrestricted | INCNEW | Included in UNA to Debt ratio - new issues |
AFRINGE | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable | |
10FAFG | All Fund Groups | AUNETAST | |
20FTF | Transfer Funds | AC05CASH | Cash and cash equivalents |
41FMCC | Medical Cost Recoveries | AC07STIN | Short term investments |
41FMCCA | Medical Cost Recoveries | AC10AREC | Accounts receivable |
42FFRBR | Fringe Benefit Rebate | AC12ARNH | Accounts receivable - State of NH appropriations |
43FMPD | Medicare Part D | AC13PREC | Pledges receivable - current portion |
44FHINC | Health Incentives | AC15NREC | Notes receivable - current portion |
44FHINCA | Health Incentives | AC20INVN | Inventory on Hand |
45FTMGT | Talent Management | AC20OTHR | Current Asset - Other |
46FTHRA | Transfers to HRA fund | AC20PRPD | Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
47FFICA | Base benefit distribution (FICA) | AC25IFBR | Interfund Borrowngs |
49FOTHR | Other Funds | AN05INBD | Debt proceeds held by others |
50ECOMAB | Compensated Absences | AN10EAPR | Noncurrent Asset - Endowment Appr |
60EMEDCL | Medical and Dental Benefits | AN15EBOK | Noncurrent Asset - Endowment Book Value |
70ERETC | Retirement Contributions | AN19LTIN | Long-term operating investments |
91ECESF | Campus ER/SIP Funds | AN20EMKT | Endowment and similar investments |
99EOTHR | Other Expenses | AN20EREL | Noncurrent Asset - Endowment Realized Gains |
AFSRECNA | AN25OINV | Noncurrent Asset - Other Investment | |
A05FGIFT | UNHF Gifts and Contributions | AN27PREC | Pledges Receivable |
A10FSPPT | UNHF Support from UNH | AN30NREC | Notes receivable |
A15FINVS | UNHF Investment income | AN35PPEQ | Property and equipment, net |
A20FEINC | UNHF Endowment income | AN40OTHR | Other assets |
A30FGNLS | UNHF gain(loss) on Investments | AN98ACCH | Acc decrease in fair value of hedge derivatives |
A35FYLD | Gains to Support Distribution | AN99ACLS | Acctg loss on debt refinancing, net |
A40OTHRV | Other operating revenue | FUNDBALN | Net assets (fund balance) |
B05FGIFT | UNHF Gift Trans to UNH | IF05DFIN | Deferred inflows of resources |
B10FPYOT | UNHF Dist to UNH for Endowed Prg | LC01IFBP | Interfund borrowings payable |
B15FSLFR | UNHF Salaries,Wages & Fringe | LC05ACPY | Accounts payable and accrued expenses |
B20FCPEQ | Capitalizable expenses | LC10DPDF | Deposits and unearned revenues |
B30FSUPY | Supplies & Other Oper Expenses | LC15AEXP | Medical claims reserve liability |
B35FINTR | Interest on indebtedness | LC20LTDT | Long-term debt - current portion |
B55FMTRN | UNHF Mandatory transfers | LC25ACEB | Accrued employee benefits - current portion |
B60FNTRN | UNHF Non-mandatory transfers | LC30ACEB | Postretirement medical benefits-current portion |
C05FOTRE | Other Non-Operating Revenue | LN05LINC | Obligations under life income agree |
C10FOEXP | UNHF Other non-operating expense | LN10PERK | Government advances refundable |
AFUNCGRP | LN15LTDT | Long-term debt | |
ALLOC | Internal Allocations for Functional Reports | LN20ACEB | Accrued employee benefits |
EXPENSE | Other Expenditures for Functional Reports | LN30ACEB | Postretirement medical benefits |
TRANSFER | Transfers for Functional Reports | LN40DFOB | Derivative instruments - interest rate swaps |
ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable for Functional Reports | LN99DFIN | Deferred Inflows of Resources |
AGROUP | NA05NTIN | Net investment in plant | |
1ASSETS | Assets | NA10BOOK | Historical gift value of endowment |
1MDEFOUT | Deferred Outflows of Resources | NA15GAIN | Accumulated net gains on endow |
2LIAB | Liabilities | NA20QUAS | Market value of funds functioning |
2MDEFIN | Deferred Inflows of Resources | NA25LFIN | Life income and annuity funds |
3FBAL | Fund Balances | NA30REST | Gifts, grants and contracts |
AREVENUE | Revenues | NA35LOAN | Loan funds |
BEXPENSE | Expenses | NA40GNAF | Accumulated net gains on endow |
MANDTRAN | Mandatory Transfers | NA45OTAF | Other |
NONMTRAN | Non-Mandatory Transfers | NA50UNRE | Unrestricted |
AGRPMIN | OF05ACCH | Accum change in derivative value | |
A05_TUIT | Tuition & Fees | OF10ACLS | Acctg loss on debt refunding, net |
A10_FAID | Financial Aid | ZZNOTAPP | Not Applicable |
A15_FAPP | Federal Appropriations | AUSALCAT | |
A20_SAPP | State Appropriations | FACFLBEN | Faculty full benefits |
A21_SCAP | State Capital Appropriations | FACNOBEN | Faculty no benefits |
A25_GIFT | Private Gifts | FACPTBEN | Faculty partial benefits |
A30_GOVT | Government Grants & Contracts | HRLNOBEN | Hourly/Student non benefits |
A35_PRIV | Private Grants and Contracts | NONSALRY | Non salary |
A40_ENDW | Endowment Income | STFFLBEN | Staff full benefits |
A45_INVT | Investment Income | STFPTBEN | Staff partial benefits |
A50_GAIN | Net Gains/(Losses) on Investments | AUSRECNA | |
A55_SALE | Sales of Educational Activities | A01RESTU | Resident tuition |
A60_OTHR | Other Sources | A04NRTUI | Nonresident tuition |
A65_RSVS | Use of Reserves | A05TUFEE | Tuition and Fees |
A70_AUXR | Auxiliary Revenues | A06CNTED | Continuing education tuition |
E05_WAGE | Salary & Wages | A07STFEE | Student fees revenue |
E10_FRNG | Fringe Benefits | A10SFNAD | Student financial aid |
E15_SUPP | Supplies | A15GVGRC | Grant and Contracts |
E20_LIBR | Library Acquisitions | A20PRGRC | Private Grants & Contracts |
E25_SERV | Professional Services | A25AXREV | Sales of auxiliary services |
E30_MATR | Material for Resale | A30OTHRV | Other operating revenue |
E35_SCNT | Sub-Contracts | AC07STIN | Short term investments |
E40_UTIL | Utilities | B05SALWG | Salaries & Wages |
E43_EQUI | Equipment | B10FRNGE | Fringe Benefits |
E45_DEPR | Depreciation | B15CAPTL | Capitalizable expenses |
E47_CONS | Construction | B20SUPLY | Supplies & Services |
E50_IEXP | Interest Expense | B25UTILY | Utilities |
E55_OTHR | Other Expenditures | B30SBCON | Subcontracts |
E60_RSVS | Reserves | B35DEPRE | Depreciation |
T05_MAND | Mandatory Transfers | B50MTRAN | Mandatory transfers |
T10_NMAN | Non-Mandatory Transfers | B55NTRAN | Non-mandatory transfers |
AGRT110 | C05STAPR | State of New Hampshire general appropriations | |
10PERSNL | Personnel | C08FPELL | Federal Pell grants |
20FRINGE | Fringe Benefits | C10PVGFT | Gifts |
30TRAVEL | Travel | C15ENDIC | Endowment income |
40EQUIP | Equipment | C15INVIC | Endowment and Investment income |
50SUPPLY | Supplies | C17ENDIN | Endowment Income |
55STUDSP | Tuition/Participant Support | C20GNLSS | Endowment gain/loss |
60CONTRC | Contractual | C20INVIC | Operating investment income, net |
70OTHER | Other | C25EPYOT | Endowment return used for operations |
80INDIRC | Indirect Costs | C25INTDT | Interest expense, net |
AGRTNHED | C30INTDT | Interest expense, net | |
100PERS | Salaries and Wages | C40OTHEX | Other nonoperating revenue (expense) |
200FB | Fringe Benefits | D05STAPR | State of New Hampshire capital appropriations |
300PRSRV | Professional Services | D15PLGGC | Plant gifts, grants and other changes, net |
400MISC | Travel, Telecom, Printing, Mail Services | D30GNLSS | Endowment gain (loss) - Net |
500MTREP | Maintenance and Repairs | D35YIELD | Gains to Support Distribution |
600SUPPL | Supplies | D40SITEM | Other changes in net assets |
700EQUIP | Equipment | D45RESER | Addition to - use of reserves |
800OTHER | Other | ZSECURE | |
900IDC | Indirect Costs | 11 | Current Assets |
AGRTPROF | 12 | Non-Current Assets | |
10FACUL | Faculty | 16 | Deferred Outflows of Resources |
10LIBR | Librarian | 21 | Current Liabilities |
11GRAD | Graduate | 22 | Long Term Liabilities |
12ADMIN | Administrators | 26 | Deferred Inflows of Resources |
12PAT | Professional, Administrative & Technical Staff | 31 | Control Accounts |
13EE | Extension Educators | 41 | Fund Balance |
13OPSTF | Operating Staff | 51 | Tuition and Fees |
14STUDNT | Student Labor | 52 | Appropriations |
15CASUAL | Casual Labor | 53 | Sponsored Programs |
15RETIRE | Retiree's / SIPs / Trans | 54 | Gifts |
19UNDIST | Undistributed Salary Increases (Budget) | 55 | Endowment/Investment Income |
20FRINGE | Fringe Benefits | 56 | Sales of Educational Activities |
30TRAVEL | Travel | 57 | Other Sources |
40EQUIP | Equipment | 58 | Budgeted Use of Reserves |
50SUPPLY | Supplies | 59 | Auxiliary Enterprises |
60CONTRC | Contractual | 5Z | Transfers In |
70OTHER | Other Expenses | 61 | Salaries and Wages |
75TRANS | Transfers (In)/Out | 65 | Fringe Benefits |
80INDIRC | Indirect Costs | 71 | Support |
Ìý | Ìý | 7102 | Foreign Travel |
Ìý | Ìý | 7170 | Consulting |
Ìý | Ìý | 72 | Student and/or Participant Support |
Ìý | Ìý | 73 | Subcontracts |
Ìý | Ìý | 74 | Capitalizable Plant and Equipment |
Ìý | Ìý | 75 | Reserves - Budget Only |
Ìý | Ìý | 76 | F&A and Internal Allocations |
Ìý | Ìý | 77 | Library Acquisitions |
Ìý | Ìý | 78 | Utilities |
Ìý | Ìý | 79 | Reserves - Budget Only |
Ìý | Ìý | 7Z | Transfers Out |
Ìý | Ìý | 81 | Transfers Out |
Ìý | Ìý | 82 | Transfers In |
Ìý | Ìý | 96 | Fund Deductions |