F. Compensation

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.V.F.7.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

F. Compensation

7.    Additional Pay

7.1    Definition. Additional pay is extra compensation paid to a status staff member, above salary paid as regular budgeted earnings. Compensation is for an extra service of a temporary nature on behalf of GSC or any other ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û institution. There are three categories of additional pay:

          Hourly-Based Pay for Services (described in GSC V.F.7.3)
          Salary-Based Pay for Services (described in GSC V.F.7.4) and
          Additional Pay for Recognition, Recruitment, Other (described in GSC V.F.7.5)

Extra service for additional pay may occur either inside or outside the regular appointment period. The college expects under normal circumstances extra service for additional pay will occur outside the regular appointment period. An appointment period shall be defined as follows:

7.1.1    An appointment period for non-exempt (hourly-based) staff shall mean normal work hours as described in system policy USY V.F.5.1. (The normal work schedule is 7.5 hours per day or 37.5 hours per week.)

7.1.2   An appointment period for exempt (salary-based) staff shall mean a work schedule as described in system policy USY V.F.6.1. (Exempt staff are expected to work those hours which are necessary to accomplish effectively the objectives of the position, but no less than 40 hours per week.)

7.2   Conditions for Review and Approval of Additional Pay

7.2.1   At a minimum, hourly based additional pay for services or salary based additional pay for services (sections GSC V.F.7.3 and 7.4) shall require prior supervisory approval, regardless of whether it is inside or outside the appointment period. Additional approvals and documentation requirements are noted in the particular policy sections below.   Additional Approvals. All grant-funded status staff or those non-grant funded status staff seeking approval to work under a grant or contract may do so only in accordance with the guidelines and regulations related to pay as outlined in the grant or contract. They must also receive prior approval from the Office of Sponsored Research.   Approval for additional pay within the appointment period described in sections GSC V.F.7.3 and 7.4 shall require the prior approval of the supervisor and the next highest level of supervisory authority, and must include documentation that the payment is for services performed outside the regular job description and responsibilities. The absence from the regular job duties shall be accounted for through the use of documented vacation/earned time.

7.2.2   Categories of additional pay for recognition (bonus, award, etc.) or recruitment (compensation in lieu of reimbursement) (see GSC V.F.7.5) shall require prior supervisory approval and/or the President. Acting Appointment Stipends require the final approval of the President. No secondary level of approval is required for honorariums under $250.   All grant-funded status staff or those non-grant funded status staff receiving additional pay for recognition under a grant or contract must also receive prior approval from the Office of Sponsored Research.

7.3   Hourly-Based Additional Pay for Services (non-exempt only). All categories of non-exempt additional pay for services require prior approval by the supervisor as noted above in section V.F.7.2.

7.3.1   Overtime Pay. Time worked in excess of 40 hours in any week is paid at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay. The hours worked in all jobs must be paid by the hour and combined for calculation of overtime. The only exceptions are (1) when the hourly rate in the additional job is higher than the staff member's overtime rate in her/his regular job or (2) when the additional job is teaching a credit course. A holiday is counted as a day worked for the purpose of computing overtime pay. The first 2.5 hours per week are paid at their regular hourly rate.Ìý  Approvals. Under normal work circumstances, the supervisor must approve overtime compensation in wages, prior to the hours being worked.   Records. The staff member is responsible for:

                Recording the number of overtime hours worked each pay period.
                Submitting the timesheet to her/his supervisor each pay period.

                Records shall be signed by the supervisor and maintained electronically.

7.3.2   Compensatory Time. Whereas flexible schedules are sometimes used, the Operating Staff member may request compensation for overtime in the form of compensatory time off in lieu of a monetary payment. (Under normal circumstances, the supervisor must approve such compensation in wages in advance.) Compensatory time will be at one and one-half hours for each hour of overtime worked in excess of forty hours in one week. For staff who work a 7.5 hour day or a 37.5 hour work week, compensatory time off for the first 2.5 hours per week will be at an hour-for-hour rate.   Agreement. If compensatory time is taken, it must be the result of a mutual agreement between the staff member and the supervisor prior to the performance of the work, without any coercion or pressure by the supervisor.   Accumulation and Usage. Compensatory time may not be carried from one fiscal year to another. It should be used as soon as practically possible after it has been earned, generally within the current or subsequent pay period. Compensatory time should be used prior to the usage of earned time.   Monetary Payment. If a staff member terminates or transfers to another department, cash payment will be made for accumulated compensatory time based on the final regular rate of pay.   Records. The staff member is responsible for recording:

                Number of compensatory hours earned each pay period.
                Number of compensatory hours used each pay period.

                Records shall be signed by the supervisor and maintained in the Human Resources Office.

7.3.3   Stand-By Pay. See USY V.F.7.3.2.

7.3.4   Call Back Pay. See USY V.F.7.3.3.

7.3.5Ìý  Shift Differential. Does not apply.

7.3.6   Pay for Adjunct Hourly Appointment. The pay rate is determined by the type of adjunct appointment. The supervisor must have documentation indicating the job is being performed outside the work hours of the staff member's status job. If the work occurs during the staff member's regular work day, the staff member may, only with the concurrence of the supervisor, perform the adjunct work during the regular work day and either use earned time/vacation leave or make up the hours through a documented agreement with the supervisor.

7.4   Salary-Based Additional Pay for Services – By Event, Project, or Course. All categories of exempt additional pay for services shall be subject to GSC’s approval process outlined in Section GSC V.F.7.2.

7.4.1   Payment for Staff Work outside the Appointment Period. Compensation made for services rendered to ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û which are not included in the regular work assigned and which are performed outside the staff member's normal work period (e.g. outside daily work period, weekends, outside the flex appointment).

7.4.2Ìý  Payment for Staff Work inside the Appointment Period. Compensation made for services rendered to ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û which are not included in the regular work assigned and which are performed inside the staff member's work period.

7.5   Additional Pay - Recognition, Recruitment, Other. These categories of additional pay shall have approval processes as described in Section GSC V.F.7.2.

7.5.1   Bonus (see USY V.F.7.5.1)

7.5.2   Compensation in Lieu of Reimbursement (see USY V. F.7.5.2)

7.5.3   Acting Appointment Stipend (see USY V.F.7.5.3)

7.5.4Ìý  Temporary Upgrade (see USY V.F.7.5.4)

7.5.5Ìý Temporary Increase in Percent Time (see USY V.F.7.5.5)

7.5.6  Honorarium (see USY V.F.7.5.6)

7.5.7   Award (see USY V.F.7.5.6)

7.5.8   Longevity Pay - Applies only to Operating Staff with current status employment start dates prior to July 1, 2011 (see USY V.F.7.5.8).

7.5.9   Payment of Accrued Earned Time and Vacation/Personal Leave (see USY V.F.7.5.9).

This page last updated . For information on the adoption and effective dates of policies please see explanation on the OLPM Main Menu.