G. Commercial Activities on Campus

1.聽 聽Responsibility

1.1聽 聽The Dean of Students is responsible for monitoring and updating this policy as needed.

2.聽 聽Definition

2.1聽 聽Commercial Activity 鈥 This term refers to any activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise. This includes marketing, sales, or any other action deemed as commercial activity by the University.

3.聽 聽Policy

3.1聽 聽The purpose of this policy is to manage outdoor commercial activity on campus in order to maintain a healthy, safe, and attractive educational and living environment, which is in keeping with the University of New Hampshire's mission, including its Academic Plan, Transportation Policies, and Campus Master Plan. Conducting any commercial activities for the profit of any person or business is permitted on the campus only upon receipt of a UNH Outdoor Commercial Activity Permit with the following conditions and exemptions.

4.聽 聽Exemptions

4.1聽 聽The following activities are exempt from this policy:

4.1.1聽 聽Commercial activities at athletic events that receive authorization from the Director of Athletics and are registered with the University Police Department through a separate process.

4.1.2聽 聽Student activities performed by the students of the University.

4.1.3聽 聽Commercial activities sanctioned under separate contract agreements executed by authorized University officials. Anyone wishing to obtain more information about the UNH Outdoor Commercial Activity Permit can contact the UNH Police Department during normal business hours by calling 603.862.1427 or visiting their office at 18 Waterworks Way on campus.

5.聽 聽Sale of Concert and Performance Related Materials

5.1聽 聽The sale of records, tapes, programs, and other items immediately before, during intermission(s), and directly after concerts and other performances sponsored by recognized student organizations and/or University departments, shall be permitted provided that all material offered for sale is directly related to the person or group performing.

6.聽 聽Public Presentations

6.1聽 聽Public presentations of a commercial nature to which students may be invited shall be permitted in the conference rooms of the New Hampshire Memorial Union, provided that:

6.1.1聽 聽The presentation or demonstration is requested by a recognized student organization or campus department, the presentation is relevant in nature to the work of the organization or department and the organization or department is not, in the view of the Memorial Union administration, being used to 鈥渇ront鈥 for an external organization that would otherwise be subject to different policies and rates as a non-UNH organization;

6.1.2聽 聽The room to be used is properly reserved;

6.1.3聽 聽The Memorial Union and Student Activities Office is given, through the reservation process, a clear and complete explanation of the nature of the presentation or demonstration;

6.1.4聽 聽During and immediately after the presentation or demonstration, no sales may be discussed or closed, no reservations recorded, no money exchanged, and no credit obligations created.

7.聽 聽Memorial Union

7.1聽 聽The sale of items in the Memorial Union is permitted in accordance with specific guidelines outlined by the Memorial Union & Student Activities and the Memorial Union Board of Governors. Vendors are guests of the University.

8.聽 聽Private Individual Sales Presentations

8.1聽 聽Nothing in this policy shall prohibit a person or business engaged in commercial activities from conducting private individual sales presentations on campus if so requested by a student, advertising in student and local newspapers, telephoning students, or posting information on general-use bulletin boards.

9.聽 聽Permission

9.1聽 聽A license/permit shall be required by all students, staff, and commercial groups, individuals(s) not associated with the University. Upon appropriate approvals, including the Chief of Police or designee, the University of New Hampshire Police department, said license/permit will be issued.

This page last updated . For information on the adoption and effective dates of policies please see explanation on the OLPM Main Menu.