Purchasing Card transactions are transmitted electronically to ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û on a daily basis. Each Cardholder record contains a default FOAPAL (Fund-Org-Account-Program-Activity-Location) code as specified on the PCard Application when the card was requested. Cardholders should contact their PCard Manager if a change to the default FOAPAL is required.
A. Posting Transactions
Frequently, the accounting information associated with a single transaction needs to be posted to an account that is different than the default account originally assigned. Changes can be made by the PCard Manager.
If a necessary correction was not processed before the sweep date, the PCard Manager is responsible for the correction by initiating a Zero Dollar JV document.
B. Posting Transactions to Sponsored Programs
The PCard manager should review monthly transactions that automatically swept to a default grant fund to ensure all expenses are allowable to the grant.
C. Grant Transactions Posted in a Prior Fiscal Year
If a transaction is posted in a prior year the Campus Finance Office or UNH Business Service Center (BSC) should correct it by initiating a JV document with the JCST rule code, in the current year. The Campus Finance Office/BSC should request approval from ×î¿ì¿ª½±Ö±²¥½ÁÖé½á¹û Accounting Services for any late, 14th month entries before processing.
The official version of this information will only be maintained in an on-line web format. Any and all printed copies of this material are dated as of the print date. Please make certain to review the material on-line prior to placing reliance on a dated printed version.Â