
GSC - Granite State College

GSC - Granite State College

II. Academic Policies

A. Policy and Procedures for Appeals of Academic Decisions

III. Administrative Policies

J. Weapons on Granite State College Premises

IV. Financial Policies

A. Charitable Giving

V. Personnel Policies

A. Employee Benefits

D. Employee Relations

E. Professional Development and Training

F. Compensation

VI. Property Policies

F. Operation and Maintenance of Property

II. Academic Policies

Table of Contents

GSC Granite State College :: II. Academic Policies

A. Policy and Procedures for Appeals of Academic Decisions

  1. Policy
  2. Procedure

A. Policy and Procedures for Appeals of Academic Decisions

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.II.A.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

  1. Policy. Academic requests (e.g., waivers of academic policies and procedures) are initially made to the Academic Dean or his/her designee through a formal academic petition process. The Academic Dean (or his/her designee) rules on all petitions, and the learner is notified of the decision. When a learner feels that reconsideration of the decision is warranted due to the availability of additional information, or the need to further clarify information previously presented, he or she may appeal the decision within 30 days of receipt of the letter indicating the decision through the appeal process outlined below.
  2. Procedure. An appeal form should be completed and signed by the learner and sent to Academic Affairs at the Dean's office. (The appeal form is available in all regional offices as well as at the Dean's office.)
    1. The appeal form should include a brief statement as to why the decision should be reconsidered as well as additional supporting evidence or clarification of the original request.
    2. Upon receipt, the appeal will be forwarded to the Academic Appeal committee for review. The committee will consist of the Academic Dean and two other members of the Academic Affairs staff at the Dean's office. Every effort will be made to handle the appeal within 10 working days.
    3. The decision by the Academic Appeal Committee is final, and the learner will be notified immediately in writing.


1 Procedures for appealing grades and assessment credit awards (involving faculty judgment of content or level of performance) are described elsewhere.

III. Administrative Policies

Table of Contents

GSC Granite State College :: III. Administrative Policies

J. Weapons on Granite State College Premises

  1. Purpose
  2. Definition
  3. Violation

J. Weapons on Granite State College Premises

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.III.J.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

  1. Purpose. The Granite State College (GSC) is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and working environment for learners, staff, and faculty. It is, therefore, the policy of GSC that the learning and working environment be free of deadly weapons.
  2. No person, except law enforcement officers while actively engaged in carrying out their duties as such, shall have in possession any deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V, while in any building or facility used by the College for administration or classes or on the grounds adjacent thereto (the premises). RSA 625:11, V defines "deadly weapon" to mean "any firearm, knife or other substance or thing which, in the manner it is used, intended to be used, or threatened to be used, is known to be capable of producing death or serious bodily injury." Examples of deadly weapons under this policy include but are not limited to: explosives, fireworks, guns, (including paint, pellet, BB, air guns or authentic-looking replicas), and hazardous substances.
  3. Violation of policy. In the event any person violating this policy refuses to leave the premises or to remove such deadly weapon from the premises, such person shall be reported to local law enforcement and shall be subject to such disciplinary, legal, or administrative action as may be appropriate under provisions of state law and the policies and procedures of GSC.

IV. Financial Policies

Table of Contents

GSC Granite State College :: IV. Financial Policies

A. Charitable Giving

  1. Granite State College Policy Statement for Institutional Charitable Giving
  2. Procedure
  3. Eligibility Criteria

A. Charitable Giving

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.IV.A.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

1. Granite State College Policy Statement for Institutional Charitable Giving

Granite State College supports charitable outreach and service within our communities. All requests for institutional support from legal charities, whether solicited or unsolicited, must be approved by the President’s Cabinet. A legal charity is one that is incorporated, has obtained 501(c)(3) status, and is registered with the NH Attorney General's office. Institutional support may include non-financial contributions or participation from staff, faculty, alumni, and students who are members of the GSC community. While the college may choose to be an active participant in a charitable event, individual giving and staff time as a charitable service must remain voluntary for staff, faculty, alumni and students.

Approved by GSC Council 09/10/09
Approved by GSC President’s Cabinet 9/30/09

2. Procedure. Granite State College supports charitable outreach and service within our communities. The following are guidelines and procedures for measuring the appropriateness of solicited and unsolicited charitable requests:

2.1 All materials shall be submitted to the Office of the President, Granite State College, 25 Hall Street, Concord, NH 03301, fax number603-513-1389.

2.2 Applicants will receive decision notification, in writing, within (30) thirty business days of review.

3. Eligibility Criteria. Organizations offering programs aligned with the mission of Granite State College must meet the following eligibility criteria:

3.1 Agencies or organizations:

3.1.1 Must submit a completed Granite State College Charitable Giving Application via fax or mail (to download the application, you will need Acrobat Reader Version 8 or above)

3.1.2 Must provide a copy of their 501(c)(3) IRS designation

3.1.3 Must be a registered non-profit in good standing with the State of NH Attorney General’s Office

3.1.4 Must be incorporated

3.2 Granite State College does not support requests for monetary assistance.

3.3 Applicants may not be individuals, labor organizations, political or religious organizations.

V. Personnel Policies

Table of Contents

GSC Granite State College :: V. Personnel Policies

D. Employee Relations

12. Complaint Resolution

13. Grievance Resolution

E. Professional Development and Training

2. Staff Development and Training Opportunities

F. Compensation

7. Additional Pay

D. Employee Relations

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.V.D.12.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

D. Employee Relations

12. Complaint Resolution

12.1 Preamble. The Grievance and Complaint Resolution procedures represent two distinct but related processes established for the purpose of resolving workplace problems. The policy is broken into two sections one describing a complaint procedure and one describing a grievance procedure. Except where noted, GSC status staff may use either procedure solely and separately, or may use the complaint procedure as the first step of the grievance procedure.

12.2 Complaint Resolution -- General.

12.2.1 Purpose. The purpose of the GSC complaint procedure is the resolution complaints and problems arising out of the interpretation and/or implementation of the Board of Trustees, University System, or Granite State College personnel policy, procedure and practice. The intent is to provide an effective, easily accessible means to seek solutions to workplace disputes and misunderstandings.

12.2.2 Definition. A complaint is an issue of concern related to a workplace situation or working conditions. Complaints related to judgments regarding performance, supervisory style, and final classification determinations are not appropriate for either the complaint procedure or the grievance procedure. Termination may be addressed only through the grievance procedure. The complaint resolution procedure may serve as the informal step for the GSC grievance procedure.

12.2.3 Conditions The complaint resolution mechanism shall not, and shall not be construed to, provide employees any right other than the right to have a complaint heard and considered. It also shall not bind GSC to a particular outcome or course of action or in any other way limit the institution's discretion to determine an appropriate outcome or course of action. Complaints may be brought at any time, however, in order to continue complaints in the grievance procedure, complaints must be filed in conformance with the time lines established by the grievance procedure. The complainant may have any other GSC employee (except an attorney) present during the complaint process to act as an advocate/advisor/support person. Confidentiality shall be required of all participants in the complaint resolution. All information revealed and all discussions held shall be confidential. The filing of a complaint shall not affect the rights of an employee to seek any remedy which may be available in an external forum. However, the filing of a complaint does not postpone any deadlines for pursuing remedies in any external forum.

12.2.4 Remedies. Remedies pursued under the complaint procedure may include any remedy which is in conformance with policy and need not be limited solely to a correction of a policy violation.

12.2.5 Training and orientation. The intent of the complaint procedure is to find a solution to perceived workplace problems. The GSC Personnel Office shall serve as a resource for understanding the process, explaining remedies available, if appropriate, and providing options for alternative resolutions and processes if appropriate.

12.2.6 Record keeping. Any record of complaint information shall be the property of GSC and shall be kept in a confidential file.

12.3 Complaint Resolution Process

12.3.1 A GSC staff member may register a complaint by notifying the Personnel Office either verbally or in writing of a concern.

12.3.2 Considering the nature of the complaint, the Personnel Office will initiate a discussion/resolution. Options to pursue resolution will include, but not be limited to, discussions with the supervisor, informal investigation of facts, use of the third party to help mediate between the decision maker and the complainant, and/or an assessment/advice to the complainant about whether the action is grievable.

12.3.3 If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, s/he may file a written grievance, if appropriate, to the definition and conditions of a grievance within no more than seven calendar days after the failure of the complaint resolution.

13. Grievance Resolution

13.1 Purpose. The GSC grievance procedure is intended to provide staff with a mechanism to resolve alleged violations of Trustee, University System or GSC policy.

13.2 Definition. The definition of a grievance shall be "a written statement alleging a violation of the Board of Trustees, 쿪ֱ, or Granite State College policy. The grievance procedure shall not be used to review the substantive merits of an administrative judgment, evaluation, or other discretionary act or decision, except as may be necessary when a violation of a nondiscrimination policy is alleged." A grievance may be filed by any status staff member except principal administrators.

13.3 Conditions

13.3.1 The deadline for filing a grievance shall be ten (10) calendar days from the day on which the aggrieved staff member becomes aware of the action which is alleged to violate policy. In no event may a grievance be filed more than one year after the occurrence of the alleged violation.

13.3.2 A grievant may bring an advocate to any meeting or hearing held as part of the following grievance procedure. The advocate may act in an advisory capacity to the grievant or, at the grievant's request, may speak on the grievant's behalf. The third party must be a 쿪ֱ employee and may not be an attorney.

13.3.3 Two or more persons similarly aggrieved by the same alleged violation of policy may file a joint grievance. All grievants to a particular grievance shall be identified. A "class action" grievance shall not be permitted.

13.3.4 Confidentiality shall be required of all participants in a grievance. All information revealed and all discussions held shall be confidential as reasonable within legal constraints and organizational responsibilities.

13.3.5 The filing of a grievance shall not affect the rights of any employee to seek any remedy which may be available in an external forum. However, the filing of a grievance does not postpone any deadlines for pursuing remedies in any external forum.

13.3.6 An employee who is grieving a termination or suspension may be placed on leave of absence without pay during the time involved in the processing of a grievance. See USY V.D.12.3.3 and USY V.C.9.9.5.

13.4 Remedies. Remedies available under this grievance procedure shall be limited to those necessary to bring the grieved action into conformance with the policies violated.

13.5 Training and Orientation. The GSC Personnel Office shall provide for informational materials and orientation of participants in the grievance process. This includes a copy of the grievance policy as well as other materials or resource personnel as may be appropriate to the participants and the case.

13.6 Record keeping

13.6.1 All materials generated in a grievance proceeding, including tape recordings, exhibits, minutes, and affidavits shall be the property of GSC.

13.6.2 At the conclusion of the grievance all materials shall be held in a confidential file in the GSC Personnel Office.

13.6.3 At step one of the grievance the GSC Personnel Office shall have the authority to determine what materials and records shall be available for copies to participants. At step two the hearing panel will make that determination.

13.6.4 The GSC Personnel Office shall make an annual report to the GSC CEO and the 쿪ֱ Human Resources Office of the total number of grievances filed.

13.7 Grievance Resolution Process. The grievant files a written statement of grievance with the GSC Personnel Office. The statement will include the policy, procedure or practice alleged to be violated, a brief statement of the alleged violation and the resolution desired.

13.7.2 If the grievant has already used the GSC complaint procedure, or if the grievance is because of employment termination, the grievance will be submitted to step one of the grievance procedures. If neither of the above is applicable, the Personnel Office and the grievant will consider the appropriateness of using the complaint procedure before using the grievance procedure.

13.7.3 Step One The GSC Personnel Office will arrange a conciliation meeting to take place within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a properly filed grievance. The meeting will include the grievant, the grievant's advocate, a representative of the GSC Personnel Office, the person whose actions are being grieved and any other administrators appropriate to resolution of the grievance. The grievant and GSC each have the responsibility to provide the conciliation group documents which can reasonably be expected to contain evidence bearing on the case. This process of "discovery" may include an effort to investigate the facts and ask questions of the participants prior to the conciliation meeting in an effort to seek out evidence relevant to the grievance. The GSC Personnel Office shall coordinate the collection of the documents. All documents shall be made available to all parties to the conciliation meeting. The conciliation group will meet to review the grievance and fashion a mutually acceptable resolution. The meetings shall be non-adversarial, and each party will extend serious consideration to the views of the other parties. If the parties are able to reach a consensus for the resolution of the grievance, the terms of the resolution will be implemented by GSC. The terms of the resolution will be recorded. The resolution shall not be precedent setting. If the parties are unable to reach a solution, the grievant shall have the option of filing a written request to proceed to step two. This request will be made to the GSC Personnel Office no later than five (5) calendar days after the end of step one. No formal statement or summary of step one is required.

13.7.4 Step Two. The grievant and the GSC CEO shall have the option to have a step two grievance heard directly by the CEO or by a hearing panel which makes a recommendation to the CEO. If the grievant and the CEO do not agree on the method of hearing, a hearing panel will hear the grievance. The hearing panel shall consist of three (3) 쿪ֱ status employees chosen by the GSC Personnel Office after consultation with the GSC CEO. After selection of the hearing panel, the panel shall determine the rules for hearing evidence, including, but not limited to, time limitations, if any, methods of hearing witnesses, and overall format. The panel will make a recommendation to the GSC CEO which will include a determination of which, if any, policies or procedures have been violated, and a proposed remedy, if appropriate. The decision will be a majority decision. The panel's responsibility in making the decision will be to determine whether a policy violation has occurred. The panel shall not serve to provide greater wisdom on an issue as part of the decision/recommendation.

13.7.5 Final Decision. The GSC CEO shall receive the recommendation of the hearing panel within five (5) calendar days of their final hearing and render a final decision within ten (10) calendar days. That decision may be reviewed under . In the case where the campus CEO is the subject of the grievance, the Chancellor will perform the role of the CEO for purpose of this step of the grievance.

E. Professional Development and Training

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.V.E.2.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

E. Professional Development and Training

2. Staff Development and Training opportunities are specifically job-related and may take the form of training sessions, workshops, or seminars.

2.1 Using the 쿪ֱ Tuition Benefit Plan or taking courses at other institutions will generally not be considered professional development and training unless specifically denoted in the employee's job agreement or so designated by the GSC Dean.

2.2 Participation in a Staff Development and Training session, workshop, or seminar requires the approval of the employee's supervising Dean or Director.

2.3 Generally, employees engaged in a professional development and/or training activity are not required to make up the time away from their normal job responsibilities if the activity meets at least one of the following criteria:

2.3.1 The activity is specifically job-related as designated by the supervising Dean or Director;

2.3.2 The activity is at the express request of the Dean or Director;

2.3.3 The activity is required in order to fulfill the requirements of the currently held position.

2.4 Staff members in trainee appointments are not generally required to make up the time away from their normal job responsibilities if the activity is required to attain the minimum qualifications of the currently held position.

2.4.1 Whether such time away from normal job responsibilities will be counted as part of the workday shall be articulated in a written agreement with the trainee appointment.

2.5 In all cases considered under GSC V.E.2, time will be accounted for in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. See USY V.E.2.4.

F. Compensation

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.V.F.7.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

F. Compensation

7. Additional Pay

7.1 Definition. Additional pay is extra compensation paid to a status staff member, above salary paid as regular budgeted earnings. Compensation is for an extra service of a temporary nature on behalf of GSC or any other 쿪ֱ institution. There are three categories of additional pay:

Hourly-Based Pay for Services (described in GSC V.F.7.3)
Salary-Based Pay for Services (described in GSC V.F.7.4) and
Additional Pay for Recognition, Recruitment, Other (described in GSC V.F.7.5)

Extra service for additional pay may occur either inside or outside the regular appointment period. The college expects under normal circumstances extra service for additional pay will occur outside the regular appointment period. An appointment period shall be defined as follows:

7.1.1 An appointment period for non-exempt (hourly-based) staff shall mean normal work hours as described in system policy USY V.F.5.1. (The normal work schedule is 7.5 hours per day or 37.5 hours per week.)

7.1.2 An appointment period for exempt (salary-based) staff shall mean a work schedule as described in system policy USY V.F.6.1. (Exempt staff are expected to work those hours which are necessary to accomplish effectively the objectives of the position, but no less than 40 hours per week.)

7.2 Conditions for Review and Approval of Additional Pay

7.2.1 At a minimum, hourly based additional pay for services or salary based additional pay for services (sections GSC V.F.7.3 and 7.4) shall require prior supervisory approval, regardless of whether it is inside or outside the appointment period. Additional approvals and documentation requirements are noted in the particular policy sections below. Additional Approvals. All grant-funded status staff or those non-grant funded status staff seeking approval to work under a grant or contract may do so only in accordance with the guidelines and regulations related to pay as outlined in the grant or contract. They must also receive prior approval from the Office of Sponsored Research. Approval for additional pay within the appointment period described in sections GSC V.F.7.3 and 7.4 shall require the prior approval of the supervisor and the next highest level of supervisory authority, and must include documentation that the payment is for services performed outside the regular job description and responsibilities. The absence from the regular job duties shall be accounted for through the use of documented vacation/earned time.

7.2.2 Categories of additional pay for recognition (bonus, award, etc.) or recruitment (compensation in lieu of reimbursement) (see GSC V.F.7.5) shall require prior supervisory approval and/or the President. Acting Appointment Stipends require the final approval of the President. No secondary level of approval is required for honorariums under $250. All grant-funded status staff or those non-grant funded status staff receiving additional pay for recognition under a grant or contract must also receive prior approval from the Office of Sponsored Research.

7.3 Hourly-Based Additional Pay for Services (non-exempt only). All categories of non-exempt additional pay for services require prior approval by the supervisor as noted above in section V.F.7.2.

7.3.1 Overtime Pay. Time worked in excess of 40 hours in any week is paid at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay. The hours worked in all jobs must be paid by the hour and combined for calculation of overtime. The only exceptions are (1) when the hourly rate in the additional job is higher than the staff member's overtime rate in her/his regular job or (2) when the additional job is teaching a credit course. A holiday is counted as a day worked for the purpose of computing overtime pay. The first 2.5 hours per week are paid at their regular hourly rate. Approvals. Under normal work circumstances, the supervisor must approve overtime compensation in wages, prior to the hours being worked. Records. The staff member is responsible for:

Recording the number of overtime hours worked each pay period.
Submitting the timesheet to her/his supervisor each pay period.

Records shall be signed by the supervisor and maintained electronically.

7.3.2 Compensatory Time. Whereas flexible schedules are sometimes used, the Operating Staff member may request compensation for overtime in the form of compensatory time off in lieu of a monetary payment. (Under normal circumstances, the supervisor must approve such compensation in wages in advance.) Compensatory time will be at one and one-half hours for each hour of overtime worked in excess of forty hours in one week. For staff who work a 7.5 hour day or a 37.5 hour work week, compensatory time off for the first 2.5 hours per week will be at an hour-for-hour rate. Agreement. If compensatory time is taken, it must be the result of a mutual agreement between the staff member and the supervisor prior to the performance of the work, without any coercion or pressure by the supervisor. Accumulation and Usage. Compensatory time may not be carried from one fiscal year to another. It should be used as soon as practically possible after it has been earned, generally within the current or subsequent pay period. Compensatory time should be used prior to the usage of earned time. Monetary Payment. If a staff member terminates or transfers to another department, cash payment will be made for accumulated compensatory time based on the final regular rate of pay. Records. The staff member is responsible for recording:

Number of compensatory hours earned each pay period.
Number of compensatory hours used each pay period.

Records shall be signed by the supervisor and maintained in the Human Resources Office.

7.3.3 Stand-By Pay. See USY V.F.7.3.2.

7.3.4 Call Back Pay. See USY V.F.7.3.3.

7.3.5 Shift Differential. Does not apply.

7.3.6 Pay for Adjunct Hourly Appointment. The pay rate is determined by the type of adjunct appointment. The supervisor must have documentation indicating the job is being performed outside the work hours of the staff member's status job. If the work occurs during the staff member's regular work day, the staff member may, only with the concurrence of the supervisor, perform the adjunct work during the regular work day and either use earned time/vacation leave or make up the hours through a documented agreement with the supervisor.

7.4 Salary-Based Additional Pay for Services – By Event, Project, or Course. All categories of exempt additional pay for services shall be subject to GSC’s approval process outlined in Section GSC V.F.7.2.

7.4.1 Payment for Staff Work outside the Appointment Period. Compensation made for services rendered to 쿪ֱ which are not included in the regular work assigned and which are performed outside the staff member's normal work period (e.g. outside daily work period, weekends, outside the flex appointment).

7.4.2 Payment for Staff Work inside the Appointment Period. Compensation made for services rendered to 쿪ֱ which are not included in the regular work assigned and which are performed inside the staff member's work period.

7.5 Additional Pay - Recognition, Recruitment, Other. These categories of additional pay shall have approval processes as described in Section GSC V.F.7.2.

7.5.1 Bonus (see USY V.F.7.5.1)

7.5.2 Compensation in Lieu of Reimbursement (see USY V. F.7.5.2)

7.5.3 Acting Appointment Stipend (see USY V.F.7.5.3)

7.5.4 Temporary Upgrade (see USY V.F.7.5.4)

7.5.5 Temporary Increase in Percent Time (see USY V.F.7.5.5)

7.5.6 Honorarium (see USY V.F.7.5.6)

7.5.7 Award (see USY V.F.7.5.6)

7.5.8 Longevity Pay - Applies only to Operating Staff with current status employment start dates prior to July 1, 2011 (see USY V.F.7.5.8).

7.5.9 Payment of Accrued Earned Time and Vacation/Personal Leave (see USY V.F.7.5.9).

VI. Property

Table of Contents

GSC Granite State College :: VI. Property

F. Operation and Maintenance of Property

4. Computer & Network Acceptable Use Policy

F. Operation and Maintenance of Property

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "GSC.VI.F.4.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

4. Computer & Network Acceptable Use Policy

4.1 Introduction.This acceptable use policy governs the use of computers and networks at Granite State College (GSC). Users are responsible for reading and understanding this document. This document protects the consumers of computing resources, computing hardware and networks, and system administrators.
4.2Rights and Responsibilities.Computers and networks can provide access to resources on and off GSC locations, as well as the ability to communicate with other users worldwide. Such open access is a privilege and requires that individual users act responsibly. Users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related physical resources, and observe all relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations. Since electronic information is volatile and easily reproduced, users must exercise care in acknowledging and respecting the work of others through strict adherence to software licensing agreements and copyright laws.
4.3 Computer equipment and property.GSC assigned computers are intended to be used for college-related business as a productivity tool and for research and communication. They are not intended as a replacement for any computers an individual may own personally. Use of college networks and computer equipment for personal purposes should be limited, in compliance with the college's published policies, and in compliance with the terms and conditions of applicable software license agreements.

While computer equipment is provided for an employee’s use, it remains the property of Granite State College. In the event that a mobile device is lost, stolen or damaged, financial coverage will normally be borne by the College. However, it is the employee’s responsibility to take appropriate precautions to prevent damage to or loss/theft of the assigned equipment. The employee may be responsible for certain costs to repair or replace the computer if the damage or loss is due to negligence or intentional misconduct. Policies for appropriate use of college property may be used to determine whether liability due to negligent behavior exists. Should assigned equipment be lost or stolen, a report of the disappearance must be made to the proper authority immediately.

Sensitive data (i.e. Social Security Numbers, confidential information, etc.) should not be stored on the laptop computer or on a portable data storage device. Employees must abide by the college policies for appropriate use of software, including the requirement to provide legal license to a program before it can be installed on a college-owned computer.

Each laptop is labeled with a unique property ID. The property ID allows IT to manage laptop assignments, coordinate repairs, and maintain systems. Please do not remove the property ID tag from your laptop. The College and IT will secure, via warranty extension or other means, the services needed to repair the laptop should its operation be impaired by a component failure or normal wear and tear.

The laptop will be password protected and will have encryption, antivirus, and/or other data security applications installed. These tools are in place to best protect sensitive data and other college-related information that may be stored on the assigned laptop. These applications and tools must be not be disabled.

Theft or loss that occurs while at a GSC location should be reported to the IT Service Desk. For theft or loss off-site, you should report the disappearance to the local police and to the IT Service Desk. The police report should include the serial number for the lost computer. Provide the IT Service Desk with a copy of the police report within 48 hours of the discovery of the loss. The IT Office will inform 쿪ֱ Internal Audit of the loss.

The laptop will be configured with wired and wireless connectivity to the Internet. Although IT may offer some tips or advice about best practices for off-site use, it will be up to you and your ISP to make remote connections work. Should you have problems with your laptop, contact the IT Service Desk for hardware repair, software installation or problem diagnosis. IT staff will not visit your home to provide services.

Laptop computers are cycled for refresh after four years. IT will perform operating system and application software upgrades during this period.

Documents stored on college issued laptops are not backed up. Damage or corruption of the computer drive could lead to permanent loss of data stored only on the laptop disk drive. For security, confidentiality, and reliability, IT recommends storing all documents on network drives. These drives are accessible from all GSC campus locations and from off-campus locations through VPN connections.” It would be prudent to establish a process of copying the data files you use on the laptop to your central data storage area (i.e., your assigned individual server folder) as an added precaution against data loss. Server storage should not be used to backup personal documents or data files, such as personal photos, music, or video. The majority of computers redirect the local documents folders to server locations. Please contact the IT Service Desk if you are unclear about the safety of your files.

4.4 Existing Legal Context.All existing laws (federal, state, and/or local) and GSC/쿪ֱ regulations and policies apply, including not only those laws and regulations that are specific to computers and networks, but also those that may apply generally to personal conduct. This document expands upon 쿪ֱ policy applicable to Granite State College. Please refer to 쿪ֱ policy on Operation and Maintenance of Property (USY.VI.F.1.1). The 쿪ֱ policy document can be viewed at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/vi-property-policies/f-operation-and-maintenance-property in sections 4 through 7. Users do not own accounts on GSC computers, but are granted the privilege of exclusive use. Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (Title 18 U.S.C. section 2510 et. seq.), users are entitled to privacy regarding information contained on these accounts. This act, however, allows system administrators or other GSC employees to access user files in the normal course of their employment when necessary to protect the integrity of computer systems or the rights or property of the College. For example, system administrators may examine or make copies of files that are suspected of misuse or that have been corrupted or damaged. User files may be subject to search and seizure by law enforcement agencies in compliance with a valid court order. Note: student files at computer facilities are considered "education records" under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Title 20 U.S.C. section 1232g). This Act requires notice and written consent by the student before a personal record can be provided to a third party other than officers of the institution attended by the student or as permitted by law. Misuse of computing, networking or information resources may result in the loss of computing and/or network access. Additionally, misuse can be prosecuted under applicable statutes. Users may be held accountable for their conduct under any applicable GSC/쿪ֱ policies and/or procedures. Illegal production and/or reproduction of software and other intellectual property protected by U.S. copyright law are subject to civil damages and criminal punishment including fines and imprisonment. Other organizations operating computing and network facilities that are reachable via the College network may have their own policies governing the use of those resources. When accessing remote resources from GSC facilities, users are responsible for obeying both the policies set forth in this document and the policies of the other organizations.

4.5 Enforcement.Minor infractions of this policy, when accidental, such as consuming excessive resources or overloading computer systems, are generally resolved informally by the unit administering the accounts or network. Repeated minor infractions or serious misconduct may result in the temporary or permanent loss of computer access privileges or the modification of those privileges. More serious violations include, but are not limited to: unauthorized use of computer resources, attempts to steal passwords or data, unauthorized use or copying of licensed software, harassment, or threatening behavior. Any offense that violates federal, state and/or local laws may result in the immediate loss of all GSC/쿪ֱ computing privileges and will be referred to appropriate College administrators and/or law enforcement authorities. These are circumstances when a user’s access to IT resources may be deactivated or terminated or expectations of privacy may be waived under the following special conditions which fall under the procedural safeguards found in the 쿪ֱ Online Policy Manual, http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/vi-property-policies/f-operation-and-maintenance-property (see sections 4 through 7):

  • Diagnosis: when necessary to identify or diagnose systems or security vulnerabilities and problems, or otherwise preserve the integrity of IT resources
  • As required by law: when required by federal, state, and/or local law or administrative rules
  • Reasonable grounds: when there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of law or policy may have taken place and access and inspection or monitoring may produce evidence related to the violation
  • Essential business: when such action to IT resources is required to carry out essential business functions of the College.

User accounts posing a threat of security breach, network or system disruption, harassment, threat, or unlawful action, may be immediately terminated to avoid further risk from the account. The account may be enabled pending mitigation of the threat or violation. Consultation with the account owner, and depending on the nature of the issue, with the supervisor, Human Resources department, Academic Affairs office, or Title IX coordinator, may be required before restoring account access.

Complaints of Alleged Violations: An individual who believes that they are harmed by an alleged violation of 쿪ֱ policy or GSC Computer Acceptable Use policy may file a complaint with the IT Service Desk or the CIO at GSC for review and action. In addition, the individual may also report the alleged violation to other appropriate GSC officers.

Reporting Observed Violation: If an individual has observed or is aware of an alleged violation of this policy, they may report this to the IT Service Desk or the CIO.

Disciplinary Procedures: When informal processes do not, or cannot, resolve the infraction(s), alleged violations will be pursued in accordance with the appropriate disciplinary procedures established for students, faculty, and staff. The HR department and the individual’s supervisor, Academic Affairs, or the Title IX coordinator may conduct formal or informal proceedings. The CIO or his/her designee may participate as necessary.

Appeals: Users found in violation of this policy may appeal or request reconsideration of any imposed disciplinary action in accordance to established GSC policy and procedures.

4.6 Conduct.Conduct which violates this policy includes, but is not limited to the activities in the following list:

  • Unauthorized use of a computer account. Using or attempting to use the account of another user.
  • Sharing or distributing account passwords, including your own password.
  • Using the GSC/쿪ֱ network to gain unauthorized access to any computer systems.
  • Connecting unauthorized equipment to the GSC/쿪ֱ network.
  • Disabling antivirus or encryption on college computers.
  • Unauthorized attempts to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes. This includes running programs to identify vulnerabilities or scan networks and computers, intercept data on computers or networks, or to decrypt intentionally secure data.
  • Using remote access software or proxy systems to bypass firewall protections.
  • Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks.
  • Knowingly or carelessly running or installing on any computer system or network, or giving to another user a program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network. This includes, but is not limited to, programs known as computer viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms.
  • Deliberately wasting/overloading computing resources, such as printing too many copies of a document.
  • Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements or copyright laws.
  • Violating copyright laws and their fair use provisions through inappropriate reproduction or dissemination of copyrighted text, images, etc.
  • Using GSC/쿪ֱ resources for commercial activity such as creating products or services for sale.
  • Using electronic mail to harass or threaten others. This includes sending repeated, unwanted e-mail to another user.
  • Initiating or propagating electronic chain letters.
  • Inappropriate mass mailing. This includes multiple mailings to newsgroups, mailing lists, or individuals, e.g. "spamming".
  • Forging the identity of a user or machine in an electronic communication.
  • Transmitting or reproducing materials that are harassing, slanderous or defamatory in nature, or that otherwise violate existing laws or GSC/쿪ֱ regulations.
  • Displaying obscene, lewd, or sexually harassing images or text in a public computer facility or location that can be in view of others.
  • Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user's electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting another user's files or software without the explicit agreement of the owner.

Note: This policy has been adapted with permission from the University of California, Davis “Computer and Network Use Policy” and the “Acceptable Use Policy for Informational Technology Resources at the University of New Hampshire.”