ET&S Strategic Communication

The Banner Student Information System (SIS) is an enterprise administrative software supporting the creation and maintenance of student-related data.

This includes data pertaining to:

  • Recruiting and admissions
  • Student advisor assignments, curriculum
  • Course registration
  • Academic history
  • Accounts receivable
  • Financial aid applicant processing, needs analysis and requirements tracking
  • Financial aid packaging and disbursement 

Banner Student’s functionality allows users to control, track and adjust student registration and records based on a variety of course detail data. In 2019, Enterprise Technology & Services worked with the Office of the Registrar to expand this functionality into equivalent and repeat course controls. In 2020, the work has continued to prerequisite course controls.

The improved functionality helps enforce prerequisite completion during course registration, automatically calculates GPA updates for repeat courses, and reduces incorrect registration and subsequent re-registration needs for UNH students. It also aids academic advisors and addresses a recent request from the Faculty Senate.

Applying this functionality automates GPA reviews and updates for courses retaken by students. It is expected to save the registrar’s office 240 hours of manual review annually, while also improving the data quality and information display for students and their advisors. Most importantly, it is intended to prevent common student registration errors for similar — but not equivalent — courses, which costs students money and can affect their time to graduation.

The resulting display on  also improves the transparency of course details. Â